two separate comments:
- if initializing a dict is not working in templating engine, then that
should be worked out;

- do the sorting in your controller - let your view do color / layout
management - don't force data manipulation on it if you can avoid it...
unless you want to be doing this under user control (like sorting by columns
on the screen) - in which case, there are probably other options for this (I
remember seeing some jQuery plugins discussed for this on this group)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Wes James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I'm trying to do is sort a dict passed from my controller:
> {{a=schols.items()}}
> {{a.sort()}}
> {{schols={}}}
> {{for b in a:}}
> {{schols[b[0]]=b[1]}}
> {{pass}}
> bye the way Massimo, I commented out the code above in my layout, and
> I had to do this with the for line for it to comment out right - I
> thought you had fixed this (per your previous comment about doing
> this.)
> {{#for b in a:#}}
> thx,
> -wj
> >

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