Can you email me the file? I will post it on AlterEgo
On Nov 19, 8:32 am, artien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is the code I'm using to validate ip addresses entered in a text
> field in a form:
> Hope its usefull for someone, perhaps an idea for a requires IS_IP4 or
> IS_IP6? :)
> def ipcheckv6(ipnummer):
> Is_IP = True
> splitcounter = 0
> if ipnummer.count('::') > 1:
> #bad formatted address
> Is_IP = False
> else:
> ipnummer=ipnummer.upper() #to check A to F
> parts = ipnummer.split(':')
> for part in parts:
> if len(part) > 4: #no more then 4 chars
> Is_IP = False
> elif len(part) == 0: #catch multiple : after eachother
> more then :: (to catch like :::)
> splitcounter = splitcounter + 1
> if splitcounter > 1:
> Is_IP = False
> else:
> #catch alphanumeric chars > F, that's not right in an
> ipv6 address
> #check if values are within A to F and 0 to 9
> #if values are 48 to 57 or 65 to 70 then its a right
> one
> ##anything bigger then F isn't right anyway
> for i in range(ord('G'),256):
> if part.count(chr(i)) > 0:
> Is_IP = False
> #anything smaller then zero aint right either
> for i in range(0,ord('0')):
> if part.count(chr(i)) > 0:
> Is_IP = False
> # this is : to @ sign between numbers and start of
> alphabet
> for i in range (58,65):
> if part.count(chr(i)) > 0:
> Is_IP = False
> #catch if less then 8 parts, there has to be at least one
> double ::
> if splitcounter == 0 and len(parts) < 8 and Is_IP:
> Is_IP = False
> return (Is_IP)
> def ipcheck():
> ipnummer = request.vars.values()[0]
> data = 'holding value'
> Is_IP = True
> if ipnummer.count('.') <> 3:
> Is_IP = False
> else:
> parts = ipnummer.split('.')
> for part in parts:
> try: #to make sure it's an int.
> if int(part) < 0 or int(part) > 255:
> Is_IP = False
> except: #if its not an int, its definately not an IPv4
> adress
> Is_IP = False
> if Is_IP:
> data='is ipv4'
> else:
> #if its not ipv4 lets check for ipv6
> if ipnummer.count(':') > 1:
> checkipv6 = ipcheckv6(ipnummer)
> if not checkipv6:
> data = 'Not an IP'
> else:
> data = 'is ipv6'
> else:
> data= 'Not an IP'
> return dict(data=data)
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