t2.itemize(db.table) does pagination by default. There is an AlterEgo
entry that does it manually.


On Nov 17, 3:00 pm, "Wes James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a view or something that will allow the paging of db results?
>  In my scholarship app, I'd like the students to be able to read about
> the different scholarships if they want to, say 10 at a time and have
> a next/prev nav capability.
> Also, in the puppy demo I remember being able to click on a link and
> it would bring up the record for edit, what if I just want a record
> for view?  And will this view keep people from adding some parameter
> that would let them edit the data?  I don't want them figuring out
> some parameter and tacking it on to the url so the can edit the data.
> Maybe that is just in view I create.  I'll have to go back and see how
> this works.
> thx,
> -wj
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