In history of internet --- .com, .net, and .org have been most common (well
- and .gov and .edu - but you can't buy those) This is not mine (web2py) but
I personally have no problem with the various .{country/region} URI's - the
"base" 3 (for me) would be the main ones that could cause significant
confusion over time. I would like .com, .net, .org to all be held by whoever
maintains web2py (person, organization, or otherwise). Of course, no one has
to do anything they don't want to - but it would be something, in my
opinion, which would help the long-term wellbeing and flexibility of web2py
and the people who support it. Kind regards, Yarko
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 6:28 PM, pmate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, my opinion:
> i just don't understand why to buy,,,
> etc. Really i don't understand. For what?
> I think, in respect of Massimo who created it, of the developers who
> work on it day-by-day and of community, would be nice to make an other
> choise, like Yarko'advice. Just to avoid confusion and give community
> a strong sign of cooperation. Would you like to mantain a site about
> web2py? Well, Phyo showed a good example, without confusion about
> anything.
> My 2 cents
> Paolo
> >

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