web2py users,

web2pys default mechanism for exception handling works great in
development but when shifted into production I'd rather have the
application email on exception and display a sorry message to the
user.  I'm proposing a new file in the root of web2py
"customexception.py", If this file does not exist (or if it returns
None or False) web2py's default exception mechanism is used.  If it
does exist and returns a str then the code within is executed.

I've coded this up quickly in the last hour or so.  I pass the
following environment to be executed in "customexception.py"

           'application': request.application,
           'rv': None}


layer => path to executing code
code => block of code that exec was called on
output => string output, not sure how to use this, maybe rv is
traceback => exception traceback
application => application being executed
rv => return value for this handler, set to None or False to do
      set to string for text to display to user

within your file you set rv to a string to display to the user, set it
to None or False to have web2pys default mechanism used.

An example of a "customexception.py" file would be:

Author: Mark Larsen
Date: 11/12/08
Method to handle custom exceptions

If this file exists and rv evaluates true web2py will use this
to handle exceptions instead of built-in method

I mainly want this to send me emails in a production environment.

variables passed in are
layer => path to executing code
code => block of code that exec was called on
output => string output
traceback => exception traceback
application => application being executed
rv => return value for this handler, set to None or False to do
      set to string for text to display to user

import smtplib

smtpserver = 'localhost' ## assumes smtp server on localhost, i use
toaddrs = ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
fromaddr = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
subject = 'Unhandled Exception in %s application' % application

msg = ("From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % (fromaddr, ",
".join(toaddrs), subject))

msg+="An error has occured in %s \n\n" % layer
msg+="\n\nIn code block: \n\n"

server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)

rv = "Unfortunately a serious error has occurred."


Anyone interested in something like this?


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