On Nov 2, 4:19 pm, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am puzzled because I have never seen this.
> Has anybody else experienced this problem?
> There are few things you can try, like connection pooling
> db=SQLDB(....,pools=10)

Thanks for your reply.

Pools=10 makes all the difference in the world, it opens
the databases instantly now.

> does it make it any faster (it will not affect the first request, only
> the successive ones)?

It makes all the requests faster - instantaneous , even the first one.

> Is it the actual insert that takes time or the entire controller?

It was the entire controller.

> Could you profile your code? You could use

I was using the Cookbook sample as as tes, and am now satisiefed
with the results of the pooling, on both the generic program and
my code as well -- I'll keep these other debut/test
suggestions on hand if I've any further problem.

> import time
> t0=time.time()
> ... code
> print 'checkpoint',time.time()-t0
> To identify the slow part.
> You can also try from the shell:
> python web2py.py -S yourapp -M
> >>> db.yourable.insert(yourfield=yourvalue)
> >>> db.commit() #### required in shell
> Is the insert slow or is the commit slow?
> Massimo
> On Nov 2, 6:39 am,NoviceSortOf<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your response.
> > PostGreSql access via web2py is remains very slow at this point.
> > Adding for instance a record takes 30-60 seconds.
> > Everything that accesses the DB seems to have 30 second overhead.
> > * Hardware : duo-core 2gz, 32MB cache hard drive, 1gig Ram.
> > * Via Python having tested postgre access in same environment,
> > issuing select (python and psycopg 2) it is instant as one would
> > expect on both large and small tables.
> > * I've converted the Cookbook application to access Postgre
> > so can use that as a test example.
> > Any tips on where to look in solving this web2py postgre slow
> > performance appreciated.
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