I'm not sure about version bazaar....
I'm guessing - like those other 2 projects I mentioned - once you start
merging and including a lot of collaborators in source, you might want to
move to mercurial / hg.

Because of this - and even forseeing a long life for web2py, assume it could
be longer than any particular DVCS's - I would call the extended version
information just that -


Assume it's multi lined (or a list of lines);
Look for keywords in it - and that way align it with some displayed stuff
that is more specific than just "a bunch of lines"

For example, for me:
D:\Workspace\Web2Py\web2py-mirror>bzr testament --strict
bazaar-ng testament short form 2.1
revision-id: svn-v3-trunk0:8fb14a07-5544-0410-8dbc-e3a1454e9f17:trunk:456
sha1: 75ccbe3afcff07cb88d0c51d48d649aa6281ec0a
This is keyworded except for the first line.
The most important part for me is the revision-id. (I don't know how I'd use
the checksum).

Let me compare how this looks with mercurial (on my Spinx workspace):
D:\Profiles\cyt007\My Documents\downloads\Programming
x>hg identify --id --num --branch --tags
a2c368128b17 731 default tip
The bzr revision-id provides me a similar thing to the 'hg identify -inbt',
that is the correlation from hg name to bzr part seems like this:
{ hg: bzr,
   id: '8fb14a07-5544-0410-8dbc-e3a1454e9f17',
 num: '456',
branch: 'svn-v3-trunk0',
tags: trunk

.... or maybe the branch is trunk, and tags none....

Regardless, there are common parts to these, and I wouldn't name things

There's an ID which i would expect for any DVCS (because of the
distributedness) has to be a GUID - so expect to show that;  there's a short
form version number, because humans have to read this (but they are not
guranteed to be unique in a distributed environ), and there's the name of
the branch - who's it is - this too will always be there in some form for a
DVCS.... and finally, there are tags, or labels that have been placed on
this so you can identify it.

These are I think the fundamental components.

I think the only thing you need to decide is if you want to let something
that parses this out of a general string be a class / DVCS specific function
--- e.g. have a function to parse bazaar testaments into these 4 key items,
and "other bzr specific stuff", and have the same for mercurial then - if
someone branches or does a plugin on mercurial, then identify it with a
mercurial parser...

Which seems to say you were close:   VERSION_BZR is not what's needed, but
VERSION_VCS_NAME  probably is (to load with bzr...);

so here's what I think you need to add:

VERSION_SYS   (or VERSION_VCS_NAME, or whatever...)

possibly also:


How's that sound?

Thanks for considering this.

I think this is a good step - and will establish a pattern (and library) for
good identification of plugins & modules & possibly applications.   This in
turn will enable programs to handle dependencies, and update programs to
handle things beyond core web2py in a consistent way - without being
inflexible (e.g. only working if your extension is built and stored in

Perhaps others who use git, svn can say if there is anything else that's
I think we can add variables - if they're not needed by one VCS, they can be
left empty.


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:29 AM, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Currently the VERSION file is automatically generated but does not
> contain this info because it predates our use of bzr. Moreover VERSION
> has to fit in one line in order to be displayed properly in admin.
> Would another file called VERSION_BZR be ok?
> How do other projects handle this?
> Massimo
> On Nov 8, 10:54 pm, "Yarko T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I agree, Massimo:
> > You need to define an additional variable besides the release number -
>  call
> > it a revision number or build number if you want:
> >
> > But it should include the complete identifying info;  check out the
> >
> > % bzr testament --strict
> >
> > command, and think about how to automatically enter this on commit, and
> spit
> > this out from web2py - on command line option, on startup, from a running
> > web2py.
> >
> > On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 4:50 PM, billf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > > I agree that choice is good but without version numbers in the
> > > download filename it could be frustrating having to install and run
> > > before you know what version you have got.
> >
> > > On Nov 8, 10:10 pm, ceej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> >
> > > > I've added web2py onhttp://github.org|
> > >http://github.com/web2py/web2py/tree/master
> >
> > > > If you don't have GIT you can just click download to download as .zip
> > > > or .tar :)
> >
> > > > This isn't replacing the current svn or bazzar repo's its just an
> > > > extra one, you can never have too much choice in how you would like
> to
> > > > download the latest web2py version :)
> >

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