Yes, that will work.  I hadn't thought about Apache.  I'm not new to 
using it but I am new to mod_rewrite.  There are some political reasons 
around here that say I have to tread lightly when changing apache.

I'll keep you posted.

mdipierro wrote:
> What about using mod_rewrite to map the old url into a GET variable?
> On Oct 28, 3:19 pm, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here's the deal.  Currently apache does serve these files directly, but
>> that is part of the problem (security).
>> We have some old PDF code that generates reports and slaps them in a
>> network folder.  Due to several design flaws, this old PDF-generation
>> system must go the way of the Dodo.  Before I replace it wholesale, I'd
>> like to put web2py in the middle of it.  My web2py app works like this:
>> 1) receive request for a particular file
>> 2) Generate equivalent PDF with new generation system (Pisa/ReportLabs)
>> 3) Compare page lengths and file sizes
>> 4) If page lengths are equal, and sizes are similar, serve the new one
>> otherwise serve the old one.
>> This is an interim step to completely replacing the old system.  The
>> problem is that I can't access the piece of code that generates the
>> hyperlinks.  So I have to make web2py morph to accept the old style.
>> -tim
>> mdipierro wrote:
>>> Is this because of static files for a specific app?
>>> why not have apache serve them directly?
>>> I cannot imagine any other case when this is relevant. Can you give us
>>> an example?
>>> Massimo
>>> On Oct 28, 2:40 pm, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I understand your position.  Under normal circumstances, I would agree
>>>> with you.  But, I just have a situation where I can't control exactly
>>>> what's coming in and so I need web2py be more lenient.  I'll (have to)
>>>> run a custom version of web2py until I no longer need to interface with
>>>> this older system (which is likely to be about a year).
>>>> -tim
>>>> mdipierro wrote:
>>>>> I disagree. The web2py url is only used inside web2py and I think
>>>>> web2py should enforce good practice even if it is more strict than
>>>>> actual specs. We can disagree on what is good practice. For me is when
>>>>> the url only includes alphanumeric characters, _ , /, and non
>>>>> consecutive dots. This avoid potential trouble with for example
>>>>> directory traversal attacks in downloading files.
>>>>> Massimo
>>>>> On Oct 28, 2:13 pm, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Kyle.
>>>>>> What I have to say below may be heresy...
>>>>>> In light of the silence on this subject, I've decided that web2py's URL
>>>>>> validation (for the purposes of mapping URLs to
>>>>>> applications/controllers/functions) oversteps its bounds and
>>>>>> over-zealously restricts (at least for my own purposes).  I've come to
>>>>>> the opinion that web2py should only validate the portions of the URL
>>>>>> that it needs to parse in order to run the appropriate function and pass
>>>>>> the appropriate args.  All other input sanitization should be left to
>>>>>> the relevant application functions.
>>>>>> Regarding RFC1738, as I mentioned below, this is meaningless because the
>>>>>> wsgiserver already unquotes the path before it passes it on to web2py.
>>>>>> In the practical sense, this means that web2py should only validate the
>>>>>> first three elements of the path and leave the rest to the application.
>>>>>> This also leaves an implementation problem with regular expressions, but
>>>>>> that's another story.
>>>>>> Opinions? Thoughts? Tomatoes?
>>>>>> Kyle Smith wrote:
>>>>>>> You are absolutely correct that it's not the same discussion. I was
>>>>>>> just trying to point you to previous conversation about url validation
>>>>>>> in general since it is a similar topic.
>>>>>>> Kyle
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>>>     Thanks for your input, but this is not about the IS_URL
>>>>>>>     validator.  This is about web2py utterly rejecting any request
>>>>>>>     that has and apostrophe (or other RFC-valid punctuation) in the
>>>>>>>     middle of the path.
>>>>>>>     -tim
>>>>>>>     Kyle Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>     A similar discussion happened shortly after I started using
>>>>>>>>     web2py. If you read through this thread you can see the
>>>>>>>>     discussion that Massimo and I had on the topic. You probably want
>>>>>>>>     to jump down to around message 13 in the thread.
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>     I currently use my own validator (also not completely RFC1738
>>>>>>>>     compliant) for parsing urls instead of the built in IS_URL.
>>>>>>>>     Kyle
>>>>>>>>     On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Timothy Farrell
>>>>>>>>     <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>         Ugh, I have an issue.
>>>>>>>>         It has come to my attention that the URL validation does not
>>>>>>>>         conform to RFC1738 (section 2.2 is the most relevant).  This
>>>>>>>>         is fine for the schema://host/application/controller/function
>>>>>>>>         part of the URL, but it causes problems in such circumstances
>>>>>>>>         that I ran into today.  Here are the details:
>>>>>>>>         I made a PDF file pass-through that I access like :
>>>>>>>>         /init/default/pdfpass/dir/PDF_FILENAME.pdf
>>>>>>>>         I ran into the problem of sometimes a request comes in that
>>>>>>>>         looks like: /init/default/pdfpass/dir/PDF'FILENAME.pdf
>>>>>>>>         (notice the apostrophe)
>>>>>>>>         This doesn't play well with the URL validation regexp from
>>>>>>>> line 39.  I would like to be able to use normal URL
>>>>>>>>         characters in my function arguments.
>>>>>>>>         For those with not enough time/patience to read an RFC,
>>>>>>>>         normal path characters are: letters, numbers, and *$ - _ . +
>>>>>>>>         ! * ' ( ) ,*  This does not include the special URL path
>>>>>>>>         characters: */ @ ? : = & ;*
>>>>>>>>         Thoughts?  Can we include these characters without
>>>>>>>>         compromising security?
>>>>>>  tfarrell.vcf
>>>>>> < 1KViewDownload
>>>>  tfarrell.vcf
>>>> < 1KViewDownload
>>  tfarrell.vcf
>> < 1KViewDownload
> >

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