That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

I accept your bi-partisan offer and fully endorse both VIM (and emacs) 
for the said live cd.

mdipierro wrote:
> In the spirit of a new era of bi-partisan politics I accept a friendly
> amendment to have vi (as well as emacs) installed on the machine.
> Massimo
> On Oct 28, 3:07 pm, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> EMACS??!?!?!  nooononononono  VI(m) is what you want! =)
>> mdipierro wrote:
>>> I would like to have the following packages installed:
>>> mc, g++, emacs, ssh, zip, unzip, tar, gzip, gunzip, openssh-server
>>> python2.5 ipython python-dev postgresql python2.5-psycopg2 postfix
>>> samba smbfs
>>> and optionally, from source
>>> cx_oracle, mysqldb, pyodbc, kinterbasdb
>>> thanks for doing this!
>>> Massimo
>>> On Oct 28, 2:47 pm, "Phyo Arkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> So all web2pycitizes (or web2pycitizens?)
>>>> Lets start making our own OS/Virtual Appliance for web2py ! Which is full
>>>> stack webapp development OS based on web2py.
>>>> How about 2 versions?
>>>> 1 is for "web2py server appliance" , no GUI (Cherokee , Postgresql/Mysql ,
>>>> Postfix , Python with necessary modules , Web2py)
>>>> Next is "web2py Developer Appliance"  All of those above + minimal Window
>>>> manager(Fluxbox, etc) + Eclipse Aptana + PyDev , Ulipad , Firefox ,
>>>> Xulrunner (i am experiementing XUL + Web2py and doing really gr8!  )
>>  tfarrell.vcf
>> < 1KViewDownload
> >

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fn:Timothy Farrell
org:Statewide General Insurance Agency;IT
adr:;;4501 East 31st Street;Tulsa;OK;74135;US
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computer Guy

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