What if I want to use web2py to modify data from some other running
app (php Drupal, for instance). Do I need to define all the model? or
is there some kind of tool to figure it out..

On Oct 15, 10:20 am, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In every case you need to choose a master application.
> If you use SQLite, the master app will do
> db=SQLDB('sqlite://stoarge.db')
> db.define_table(.....)
> the other apps will do
> db=SQLDB('sqlite://../../masterapp/databases/stoarge.db')
> db.define_table(.....,migrate=False)  #### important!
> If you use anything other than SQlite, db=SQLDB(....) should all use
> the same connection string to the same database engine.
> The master needs to define all tables, the other apps need to define
> only the tables the use.
> Different browser render pages differently. Most of the
> inconsistencies are dues to the use of JS, invalid CSS or invalid
> HTML. You can test for valid HTML and CSS using w3c validation pages
> online.
> Massimo
> On Oct 15, 9:26 am, tommy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How does web2py application to access the database in other
> > application? We have three applicaitons, two web applications
> > developed by web2py, and another application developed by python.
> > Three applications try to access one database. I don't know how to
> > setup the database in which application. Can someone help me?
> > By the way, here is my another issue. My web pages look good when I
> > use firefox, but when I use IE to browse the pages, the pages looks
> > mess. Any idea?
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