
We are observing the state of the vpp interface as carrier down in  command
vppctl show hardware output. This is observed while starting the vpp:

vppctl show hardware output:
device_c/0/0                       2    down  device_c/0/0
  Link speed: 10 Gbps
  Ethernet address 00:50:56:01:5c:63
  VMware VMXNET3
    carrier down
    flags: admin-up pmd rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 2 (max 16), desc 4096 (min 128 max 4096 align 1)
    tx: queues 2 (max 8), desc 4096 (min 512 max 4096 align 1)
    pci: device 15ad:07b0 subsystem 15ad:07b0 address 0000:0c:00.00 numa 0
    max rx packet len: 16384
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast off
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-lro
                       vlan-filter jumbo-frame scatter
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-tso
    tx offload active: multi-segs
    rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6
    rss active:        none
    tx burst function: vmxnet3_xmit_pkts
    rx burst function: vmxnet3_recv_pkts
    rte_eth_dev_start[port:1, errno:-22]: Unknown error -22

We are suspecting the following reasons:
1) Any issue with vfio-pci driver while unloading and loading again?
2) Any corruption is happening during initialization?

I am attaching the startup.conf and vppctl command output files with this

Can anybody suggest a way to resolve this issue?

Sunil Kumar
mdp-msp83-fe09$ /opt/opwv/integra/8.3//tools/vpp/bin/vppctl show int
              Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     
Counter          Count     
device_4/0/0                      1      up          2048/0/0/0     rx packets  
                                                                    rx bytes    
                                                                    tx packets  
                                                                    tx bytes    
device_c/0/0                      2      up          1500/0/0/0     tx-error    
kni-0                             3      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets  
                                                                    rx bytes    
                                                                    tx packets  
                                                                    tx bytes    
kni-1                             4      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets  
                                                                    rx bytes    
local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0       drops       

mdp-msp83-fe09$ /opt/opwv/integra/8.3//tools/vpp/bin/vppctl show ha
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
device_4/0/0                       1     up   device_4/0/0
  Link speed: 10 Gbps
  Ethernet address 00:50:56:01:5c:62
  VMware VMXNET3
    carrier up full duplex mtu 2048 
    flags: admin-up pmd rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 2 (max 16), desc 4096 (min 128 max 4096 align 1)
    tx: queues 2 (max 8), desc 4096 (min 512 max 4096 align 1)
    pci: device 15ad:07b0 subsystem 15ad:07b0 address 0000:04:00.00 numa 0
    max rx packet len: 16384
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast on
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-lro 
                       vlan-filter jumbo-frame scatter 
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum 
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-tso 
    tx offload active: multi-segs 
    rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6 
    rss active:        none
    tx burst function: vmxnet3_xmit_pkts
    rx burst function: vmxnet3_recv_pkts

    tx frames ok                                     1318205
    tx bytes ok                                    106821714
    rx frames ok                                    24095448
    rx bytes ok                                   1535017138
    extended stats:
      rx good packets                               24095448
      tx good packets                                1318205
      rx good bytes                               1535017138
      tx good bytes                                106821714
      rx q0packets                                  23582503
      rx q0bytes                                  1476541704
      rx q1packets                                    512945
      rx q1bytes                                    58475434
      tx q0packets                                    803869
      tx q0bytes                                    48246112
      tx q1packets                                    514336
      tx q1bytes                                    58575602
device_c/0/0                       2    down  device_c/0/0
  Link speed: 10 Gbps
  Ethernet address 00:50:56:01:5c:63
  VMware VMXNET3
    carrier down 
    flags: admin-up pmd rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 2 (max 16), desc 4096 (min 128 max 4096 align 1)
    tx: queues 2 (max 8), desc 4096 (min 512 max 4096 align 1)
    pci: device 15ad:07b0 subsystem 15ad:07b0 address 0000:0c:00.00 numa 0
    max rx packet len: 16384
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast off
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-lro 
                       vlan-filter jumbo-frame scatter 
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum 
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-tso 
    tx offload active: multi-segs 
    rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6 
    rss active:        none
    tx burst function: vmxnet3_xmit_pkts
    rx burst function: vmxnet3_recv_pkts
    rte_eth_dev_start[port:1, errno:-22]: Unknown error -22

kni-0                              3     up   kni-0
  Link speed: unknown
  Ethernet address 00:50:56:01:5c:62
kni-1                              4     up   kni-1
  Link speed: unknown
  Ethernet address 00:50:56:01:5c:63
local0                             0    down  local0
  Link speed: unknown

mdp-msp83-fe09$ /opt/opwv/integra/8.3//tools/vpp/bin/vppctl show err
        Count                         Node                  Reason
                   1           device_c/0/0-output          interface is down
               32867                null-node               blackholed packets
                 167               dpdk-input               no error
                   5                arp-reply               ARP hw addr does 
not match L2 frame src addr
             2566211               snap-input               unknown oui/snap 
               69332           device_c/0/0-output          interface is down
                   1              kni-0-output              interface is down
                   6               dpdk-input               no error
                   2                ip4-local               ip4 source lookup 
              512941              flow-lookup4              Total processed
              512941              flow-lookup4              Forwarded to 
                   4           device_c/0/0-output          interface is down

mdp-msp83-fe09$ /opt/opwv/integra/8.3//tools/vpp/bin/vppctl show runtime
Thread 0 vpp_main (lcore 13)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 124097.91
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 3.8954e-7, drop 3.8954e-7, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
acl-plugin-fa-cleaner-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          3.08e4            0.00
admin-up-down-process          event wait                0               0      
         1          8.34e3            0.00
api-rx-from-ring                any wait                 0               0      
   1923406          3.01e4            0.00
bfd-process                    event wait                0               0      
         1          2.19e4            0.00
bond-process                   event wait                0               0      
         1          1.98e3            0.00
common-memif-init                 done                   1               0      
         0          2.78e4            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                  1               1      
         0          2.84e4            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                  1               1      
         0          1.64e5            1.00
device_c/0/0-output              active                  1               1      
         0          1.41e5            1.00
dhcp-client-process             any wait                 0               0      
     25672          4.17e3            0.00
dhcp6-client-cp-process         any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.07e4            0.00
dhcp6-pd-client-cp-process      any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.03e4            0.00
dhcp6-pd-reply-publisher-proce event wait                0               0      
         1          6.38e3            0.00
dhcp6-reply-publisher-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          5.55e3            0.00
dpdk-ipsec-process                done                   1               0      
         0          7.77e4            0.00
dpdk-process                    any wait                 0               0      
    855702          1.18e5            0.00
drop                             active                  1               1      
         0          2.36e4            1.00
error-drop                       active                  1               1      
         0          1.09e4            1.00
fib-walk                        any wait                 0               0      
   1283549          7.94e3            0.00
flow-report-process             any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.03e4            0.00
fp-session-timer-process        time wait                0               0      
  51328613          5.38e3            0.00
    events pending, 
ip-neighbor-scan-process        any wait                 0               0      
     42786          4.77e3            0.00
ip-route-resolver-process       any wait                 0               0      
     25672          3.86e3            0.00
ip4-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0      
    256712          8.15e3            0.00
ip6-icmp-neighbor-discovery-ev  any wait                 0               0      
   2567081          4.74e3            0.00
ip6-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0      
    256712          7.34e3            0.00
l2fib-mac-age-scanner-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          1.68e4            0.00
lldp-process                   event wait                0               0      
         1          1.34e7            0.00
mac-timer-process               any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.49e4            0.00
nat-det-expire-walk               done                   1               0      
         0          2.78e3            0.00
nat-ha-process                 event wait                0               0      
         1          1.24e5            0.00
nat64-expire-walk              event wait                0               0      
         1          1.62e4            0.00
nsh-timer-process               time wait                0               0      
  51335482          4.88e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-proce  time wait                0               0      
2418451356          5.42e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-proces  time wait                0               0      
  25667741          6.53e3            0.00
rd-cp-process                   any wait                 0               0      
         1          5.64e3            0.00
rtnl-process                    any wait                 0               0      
    604876          3.18e4            0.00
send-dhcp6-client-message-proc  any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.04e3            0.00
send-dhcp6-pd-client-message-p  any wait                 0               0      
         1          7.60e3            0.00
send-rs-process                 any wait                 0               0      
         1          6.42e3            0.00
session-queue-process           any wait                 0               0      
   2567079          9.41e3            0.00
sp-admin-input                   polling      107456040024               0      
         0          1.21e3            0.00
sp-process                        done                   1               0      
         0          1.09e4            0.00
startup-config-process            done                   1               0      
         1          6.14e8            0.00
statseg-collector-process       time wait                0               0      
    256712          1.41e5            0.00
ue-session-timer-process        time wait                0               0      
  25667741          5.93e3            0.00
unix-cli-local:793766             done              344170               0      
    691258         3.39e13            0.00
unix-cli-local:797415            active             453245               0      
    910411         2.87e13            0.00
unix-cli-new-session            any wait                 0               0      
   1951173          2.99e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling      107030581336               0      
         0          6.26e4            0.00
vhost-user-process              any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.16e4            0.00
vhost-user-send-interrupt-proc  any wait                 0               0      
         1          6.49e3            0.00
vpe-link-state-process         event wait                0               0      
         4          1.18e4            0.00
wildcard-ip4-arp-publisher-pro event wait                0               0      
         1          1.23e4            0.00
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 3)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 1.00 loops/sec 878944.52
  vector rates in 1.0221e1, out 8.1868e0, drop 1.0395e0, punt 3.6227e-5
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
arp-input                        active              32872           32872      
         0          3.87e3            1.00
arp-reply                        active              32872           32872      
         0          2.22e4            1.00
common-memif-lookup              polling     2220579108111         2577930      
         0          1.27e8            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                129             129      
         0          2.39e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                129             129      
         0          3.47e4            1.00
device_c/0/0-output              active              69332           69332      
         0          5.18e3            1.00
dpdk-input                       polling     2220579108111        23582846      
         0          9.61e7            0.00
drop                             active            2668404         2668505      
         0          4.38e3            1.00
error-drop                       active            2668404         2668505      
         0          2.29e3            1.00
error-punt                       active                 83              93      
         0          3.77e3            1.12
ethernet-input                   active           23580239        23582846      
         0          1.51e3            1.00
flow-arp                         active           21013962        21016453      
         0          5.70e2            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                129             129      
         0          1.59e4            1.00
interface-output                 active           21083423        21085914      
         0          4.38e2            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                129             129      
         0          3.08e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                129             129      
         0          2.78e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                129             129      
         0          3.22e3            1.00
ip6-input                        active                 61              74      
         0          2.19e3            1.21
ip6-not-enabled                  active                 61              74      
         0          1.43e3            1.21
kni-0-output                     active           21013962        21016453      
         0          8.65e2            1.00
kni-0-tx                         active           21013961        21016452      
         0          1.29e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2220572444446           69332      
         0         3.52e10            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active              69332           69332      
         0          3.19e3            1.00
llc-input                        active            2566139         2566226      
         0          2.48e3            1.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.04e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          7.95e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.15e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                129             129      
         0          3.16e3            1.00
punt                             active                 83              93      
         0          3.88e3            1.12
session-queue                    polling     2220572444359               0      
         0          2.65e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            8361      
         0          1.77e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2220579108111               0      
         0          3.97e2            0.00
slowpath                         active           21013962        21016453      
         0          5.79e2            1.00
snap-input                       active            2566139         2566226      
         0          5.59e3            1.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.39e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.50e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2166418655               0      
         0          3.56e3            0.00
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1 (lcore 4)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 877664.92
  vector rates in 2.0101e-1, out 4.2849e-6, drop 3.1163e-6, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2254957722786            2157      
         0         1.55e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                 11              11      
         0          3.33e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                 11              11      
         0          4.38e4            1.00
dpdk-input                       polling     2254957722786          512952      
         0          4.47e9            0.00
drop                             active                  8               8      
         0          3.21e3            1.00
error-drop                       active                  8               8      
         0          2.37e3            1.00
ethernet-input                   active             512952          512952      
         0          6.54e3            1.00
flow-lookup4                     active             512944          512944      
         0          1.43e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                 11              11      
         0          2.99e4            1.00
interface-output                 active                 11              11      
         0          1.19e3            1.00
ip4-drop                         active                  2               2      
         0          8.22e3            1.00
ip4-input-no-checksum            active             512946          512946      
         0          6.39e3            1.00
ip4-local                        active                  2               2      
         0          1.23e4            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 11              11      
         0          4.08e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-bypass                   active             512944          512944      
         0          2.03e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 11              11      
         0          3.23e3            1.00
ip4-options                      active                  2               2      
         0          2.75e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 11              11      
         0          4.16e3            1.00
ip6-input                        active                  6               6      
         0          7.64e3            1.00
ip6-not-enabled                  active                  6               6      
         0          3.09e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2254951314442               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.05e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.61e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.08e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 11              11      
         0          3.77e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2254951314358               0      
         0          2.65e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613             920      
         0          1.61e8            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2254957722786               0      
         0          3.97e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.29e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.55e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2199958767               0      
         0          3.55e3            0.00
Thread 3 vpp_wk_2 (lcore 5)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 862804.72
  vector rates in 7.1770e-1, out 1.9983e-1, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2231234483617            2093      
         0         1.57e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                 36              36      
         0          2.72e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                 36              36      
         0          3.19e4            1.00
dpdk-input                       polling     2231234483617               0      
         0          1.00e3            0.00
flow-lookup4                     active             512944          512944      
         0          3.04e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                 36              36      
         0          1.76e4            1.00
interface-output                 active             512980          512980      
         0          3.04e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 36              36      
         0          2.92e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 36              36      
         0          2.64e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 36              36      
         0          2.91e3            1.00
kni-0-output                     active             512944          512944      
         0          6.88e3            1.00
kni-0-tx                         active             512944          512944      
         0          5.77e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2231231142616               0      
         0          1.10e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.12e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.32e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.14e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 36              36      
         0          2.88e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2231231142542               0      
         0          2.68e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613         1840341      
         0          8.57e4             .04
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2231234483617               0      
         0          3.94e2            0.00
slowpath                         active             512944          512944      
         0          3.83e3            1.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.15e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.67e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2176814143               0      
         0          3.56e3            0.00
Thread 4 vpp_wk_3 (lcore 6)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 887343.05
  vector rates in 3.6473e-3, out 3.8565e-5, drop 1.5582e-6, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2262174461059            2069      
         0         1.61e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                 99              99      
         0          2.81e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                 99              99      
         0          3.81e4            1.00
device_c/0/0-output              active                  4               4      
         0          5.21e3            1.00
dpdk-input                       polling     2262174461059               0      
         0          1.00e3            0.00
drop                             active                  4               4      
         0          4.04e3            1.00
error-drop                       active                  4               4      
         0          2.79e3            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                 99              99      
         0          1.96e4            1.00
interface-output                 active                103             103      
         0          2.09e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 99              99      
         0          3.71e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 99              99      
         0          3.04e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 99              99      
         0          3.64e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2262171122640               4      
         0         6.25e14            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                  4               4      
         0          3.19e3            1.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          7.78e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.12e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 99              99      
         0          3.19e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2262171122576               0      
         0          2.67e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            7290      
         0          1.99e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2262174461059               0      
         0          3.91e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.33e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.60e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2206999486               0      
         0          3.55e3            0.00
Thread 5 vpp_wk_4 (lcore 7)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1257737.22
  vector rates in 5.2319e-3, out 9.6606e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3480063190386            2085      
         0         2.39e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                237             248      
         0          2.19e3            1.05
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                237             248      
         0          2.67e4            1.05
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                404             404      
         0          9.03e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                237             248      
         0          1.32e3            1.05
ip4-lookup                       active                182             182      
         0          3.14e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                182             182      
         0          2.71e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                182             182      
         0          3.02e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3480057693919             321      
         0         3.80e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 55              66      
         0          1.46e3            1.20
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.15e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.54e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.17e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                182             182      
         0          2.74e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3480057693795               0      
         0          9.19e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613           11025      
         0          1.39e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3480063190386               0      
         0          3.95e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.14e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.74e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3395183613               0      
         0          3.44e3            0.00
Thread 6 vpp_wk_5 (lcore 8)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1352070.64
  vector rates in 2.9710e-3, out 6.6222e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3541826274669            2027      
         0         2.51e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                166             170      
         0          2.31e3            1.02
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                166             170      
         0          2.38e4            1.02
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                287             287      
         0          9.34e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                166             170      
         0          1.85e3            1.02
ip4-lookup                       active                 84              84      
         0          3.40e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 84              84      
         0          3.16e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 84              84      
         0          3.41e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3541818458725             299      
         0         4.19e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 82              86      
         0          1.64e3            1.05
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.13e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.85e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.15e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 84              84      
         0          3.04e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3541818458598               0      
         0          9.17e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            5301      
         0          2.85e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3541826274669               0      
         0          3.90e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.08e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.65e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3455440280               0      
         0          3.43e3            0.00
Thread 7 vpp_wk_6 (lcore 9)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1340841.34
  vector rates in 4.4813e-3, out 1.0167e-4, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3496499835781            2026      
         0         2.48e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                255             261      
         0          1.95e3            1.02
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                255             261      
         0          2.51e4            1.02
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                396             396      
         0          8.09e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                255             261      
         0          1.59e3            1.02
ip4-lookup                       active                156             156      
         0          2.64e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                156             156      
         0          2.61e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                156             156      
         0          2.78e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3496494229649             355      
         0         3.44e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 99             105      
         0          1.35e3            1.06
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.19e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.06e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.19e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                156             156      
         0          2.72e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3496494229523               0      
         0          9.09e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            9123      
         0          1.71e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3496499835781               0      
         0          3.87e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.39e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.71e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3411219364               0      
         0          3.44e3            0.00
Thread 8 vpp_wk_7 (lcore 10)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1355328.20
  vector rates in 3.9683e-3, out 6.7391e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3549395323579            2022      
         0         2.52e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                173             173      
         0          2.20e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                173             173      
         0          2.67e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                286             286      
         0          8.97e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                173             173      
         0          1.03e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                131             131      
         0          3.55e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                131             131      
         0          2.72e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                131             131      
         0          3.29e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3549391477849             225      
         0         5.55e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 42              42      
         0          2.21e3            1.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.21e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.66e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.13e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                131             131      
         0          3.05e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3549391477762               0      
         0          9.11e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            7940      
         0          1.99e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3549395323579               0      
         0          3.89e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.15e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.74e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3462824719               0      
         0          3.43e3            0.00
Thread 9 vpp_wk_8 (lcore 25)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1327462.09
  vector rates in 5.3118e-3, out 1.0362e-4, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3478720046775            2123      
         0         2.36e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                256             266      
         0          2.55e3            1.04
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                256             266      
         0          2.76e4            1.04
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                425             425      
         0          9.76e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                256             266      
         0          1.52e3            1.04
ip4-lookup                       active                187             187      
         0          3.41e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                187             187      
         0          2.99e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                187             187      
         0          3.29e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3478712261544             342      
         0         3.52e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 69              79      
         0          1.54e3            1.14
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.21e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.01e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.27e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                187             187      
         0          2.94e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3478712261424               0      
         0          9.10e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613           11171      
         0          1.42e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3478720046775               0      
         0          3.89e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.08e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.68e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3393873230               0      
         0          3.45e3            0.00
Thread 10 vpp_wk_9 (lcore 26)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1348354.14
  vector rates in 3.1481e-1, out 3.1278e-1, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3501702140162            2098      
         0         2.40e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active             802952          802952      
         0          5.37e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active             802952          802952      
         0          7.41e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                220             220      
         0          8.37e3            1.00
interface-output                 active             802952          802952      
         0          2.72e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 47              47      
         0          2.49e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 47              47      
         0          2.16e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 47              47      
         0          2.44e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3501694710192          803084      
         0          1.52e9            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active             802905          802905      
         0          3.39e3            1.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.17e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.86e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.18e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 47              47      
         0          2.62e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3501694710067               0      
         0          9.15e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            2972      
         0          5.27e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3501702140162               0      
         0          3.95e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.32e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.68e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3416294784               0      
         0          3.45e3            0.00
Thread 11 vpp_wk_10 (lcore 27)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1339604.25
  vector rates in 2.0158e-1, out 1.9986e-1, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3468235579838            2100      
         0         2.37e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active             513064          513067      
         0          5.29e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active             513064          513067      
         0          7.99e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                309             309      
         0          6.69e3            1.00
interface-output                 active             513064          513067      
         0          2.69e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 36              36      
         0          3.02e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 36              36      
         0          2.73e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 36              36      
         0          3.26e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3468227812785          513309      
         0          2.35e9            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active             513028          513031      
         0          4.14e3            1.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.23e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          1.00e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.17e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 36              36      
         0          2.94e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3468227812674               0      
         0          9.13e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            2059      
         0          7.72e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3468235579838               0      
         0          3.85e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.51e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.75e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3383644482               0      
         0          3.45e3            0.00
Thread 12 vpp_wk_11 (lcore 28)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 1342748.46
  vector rates in 2.2991e-3, out 6.0769e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     3487053491083            2083      
         0         2.40e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                151             156      
         0          1.89e3            1.03
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                151             156      
         0          2.65e4            1.03
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                257             257      
         0          8.37e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                151             156      
         0          1.55e3            1.03
ip4-lookup                       active                 62              62      
         0          3.07e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 62              62      
         0          2.59e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 62              62      
         0          2.66e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     3487045661031             289      
         0         4.20e12            0.00
kni-nsh-output                   active                 89              94      
         0          1.94e3            1.06
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.19e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.86e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.25e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 62              62      
         0          2.83e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     3487045660906               0      
         0          9.14e2            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            3530      
         0          4.55e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     3487053491083               0      
         0          3.87e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.50e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.71e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        3402003418               0      
         0          3.45e3            0.00
Thread 13 vpp_wk_12 (lcore 29)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 952770.41
  vector rates in 1.6333e-3, out 1.5582e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2413584584901            2131      
         0         1.63e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                 40              40      
         0          2.82e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                 40              40      
         0          3.13e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                 40              40      
         0          2.19e4            1.00
interface-output                 active                 40              40      
         0          1.02e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                 40              40      
         0          5.63e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                 40              40      
         0          2.47e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                 40              40      
         0          3.39e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2413576839985               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.16e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          9.55e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.22e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                 40              40      
         0          2.75e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2413576839887               0      
         0          1.07e3            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            2062      
         0          7.69e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2413584584901               0      
         0          3.92e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.17e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.69e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2354716682               0      
         0          3.55e3            0.00
Thread 14 vpp_wk_13 (lcore 30)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 947683.69
  vector rates in 5.2896e-3, out 7.6739e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2439318127954            2112      
         0         1.66e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                197             197      
         0          2.38e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                197             197      
         0          2.53e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                197             197      
         0          1.46e4            1.00
interface-output                 active                197             197      
         0          9.39e2            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                197             197      
         0          3.19e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                197             197      
         0          2.64e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                197             197      
         0          2.98e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2439314279851               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.15e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.99e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.21e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                197             197      
         0          3.39e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2439314279784               0      
         0          1.06e3            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613           11467      
         0          1.37e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2439318127954               0      
         0          3.90e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.23e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.62e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2379822576               0      
         0          3.55e3            0.00
Thread 15 vpp_wk_14 (lcore 31)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 958330.71
  vector rates in 7.9307e-3, out 1.2193e-4, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2423998967522            2134      
         0         1.63e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                299             313      
         0          1.27e3            1.05
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                299             313      
         0          1.69e4            1.05
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                313             313      
         0          7.21e3            1.00
interface-output                 active                299             313      
         0          5.64e2            1.05
ip4-lookup                       active                299             313      
         0          1.69e3            1.05
ip4-nsh-output                   active                299             313      
         0          1.36e3            1.05
ip4-rewrite                      active                299             313      
         0          1.43e3            1.05
kni-input                        polling     2423991141345               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.14e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.19e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.12e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                313             313      
         0          1.63e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2423991141241               0      
         0          1.06e3            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613           18225      
         0          8.55e6            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2423998967522               0      
         0          3.91e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.33e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.67e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2364877054               0      
         0          3.54e3            0.00
Thread 16 vpp_wk_15 (lcore 32)
Time 2567119.3, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 959463.09
  vector rates in 3.3458e-3, out 4.1291e-5, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
common-memif-lookup              polling     2437951814097            2116      
         0         1.66e11            0.00
device_4/0/0-output              active                106             106      
         0          3.13e3            1.00
device_4/0/0-tx                  active                106             106      
         0          3.07e4            1.00
flow-lookup4_tcp                 active                106             106      
         0          1.72e4            1.00
interface-output                 active                106             106      
         0          1.06e3            1.00
ip4-lookup                       active                106             106      
         0          4.52e3            1.00
ip4-nsh-output                   active                106             106      
         0          3.14e3            1.00
ip4-rewrite                      active                106             106      
         0          3.98e3            1.00
kni-input                        polling     2437944019925               0      
         0          1.09e3            0.00
nsh-cache-walker              interrupt wa        51335482               0      
         0          1.12e3            0.00
opwv-tp-session-ms-timer-workeinterrupt wa      2418451356               0      
         0          8.56e2            0.00
opwv-tp-session-s-timer-workerinterrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.05e3            0.00
opwv-tp4-input                   active                106             106      
         0          3.42e3            1.00
session-queue                    polling     2437944019813               0      
         0          1.06e3            0.00
session-walker                interrupt wa        51328613            6473      
         0          2.32e7            0.00
shaping-wheel-lookup             polling     2437951814097               0      
         0          3.91e2            0.00
ue-session-del-timer_interruptinterrupt wa         2333431               0      
         0          2.16e3            0.00
ue-session-timer_interrupt    interrupt wa        25667741               0      
         0          1.61e3            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling        2378489587               0      
         0          3.55e3            0.00

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Description: Binary data

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