
success ... first part solution - request must be splittet into two
1. send api msg to configure

> ip6_nd.SwInterfaceIP6ndRaConfig{
>    SwIfIndex: 2,
>    Other: 1,
>    Managed: 1,
>    MaxInterval: 20,
>    MinInterval: 5,
>    DefaultRouter: 1,
>    Lifetime: 180,
> }
> 2. send api msg to disable ra suppress

> ip6_nd.SwInterfaceIP6ndRaConfig{
>    SwIfIndex: 2,
>    Suppress: 1,
>    IsNo: true,
> }
> The issue was caused by my misunderstanding of how
"ip6_nd.SwInterfaceIP6ndRaConfig" is interpreted in VPP core.

Send question is still open (how to dump current status)

Petr B.

st 26. 10. 2022 v 16:04 odesílatel Petr Boltík via lists.fd.io <petr.boltik=
gmail....@lists.fd.io> napsal:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to configure the VPP Ip6 router advertisement using api (govpp)
> for a few days with no success. I can successfully configure RA with cli.
> `vppctl ip6 nd enp3s0 ra-managed-config-flag ra-other-config-flag
> ra-interval 60 20 ra-lifetime 180
> vppctl ip6 nd enp3s0 no ra-suppress`
> I had no success with `sw_interface_ip6nd_ra_config`  function, RA does
> not start advertising. Does anyone know the right configuration of this
> function or some other api call is needed?
> Mostly I can find the correct way to configure from api dump
> request/reply, but I'm not able to find api dump messages like `vppctl
> show ip6 interface enp3s0` output. Is there any function to dump this
> information?
> Thank you very much for your support
> Regards
> Petr B.
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