Hi John & Everyone & Community,

In my scene, it is the demand to put multiple subnets in one BD. A few days 
ago, I have found the other proper idea to implement the demand mentioned in 
the mail subject and original mail.

This problem and mail can be close now.

Have a nice day, everybody!

Thanks & Regards,
Huawei LI

> 2022年10月21日 00:45,John Lo <lojultra2...@outlook.com> 写道:
> Hi Huawei,
> Some comments on supporting multiple BVIs in a BD:
> 1. There are assumptions in the bridging code including only 1 BVI per BD and 
> it will be the last interface of a BD's flood list.  To support multiple BVIs 
> per BD will make the code more complicated and less efficient from 
> performance point of view.
> 2. All interfaces, including BVI, in a BD can talk to each other via MAC 
> address learning.  There is no concept of L3 IP address nor awareness of IPs 
> in separate VRFs. Thus, the concept of multiple BVIs in a BD each in 
> different VRFs does not match the L2 bridging concept. While it may be 
> possible to enhance BD support to understand IP and VRF at L3, it will again 
> make the code more complicated and affect performance.
> My question would be, isn't it more natural to put each subnet in a separate 
> BD with its BVI in the desired VRF?
> Regards,
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lihuawei <lihuawei_...@163.com> 
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2022 11:30 PM
> To: o...@cisco.com; fiva...@cisco.com; klement.sek...@gmail.com; Neale Ranns 
> <ne...@graphiant.com>; lojultra2...@outlook.com; slu...@cisco.com; 
> vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: snat support bind to specific subnets
> Hi Ole, Filip, Klement, Neale, John, Steven, &Community,
> I have a demand about snat. With in a vpc, different subnets  need use 
> different snat ip to the internet, but the vpp snat feature now do not 
> support snat ip bind to specific subnets. I have two ideas to resolve this:
> 1. modify and develop snat feature to support snat ip bind to specific 
> subnets.
> 2. use multiple vrfs to isolate subnets, one vrf’s subnets use one snat ip, 
> but the bd bvi now only support one in one bd, the non-bvi loop does not 
> forward L3. So modify and develop bd bvi to support multiple bvi interfaces 
> in one bd may be one better idea.
> Do I understand right and the idea 2 is the better? Anybody who has better 
> idea, please help.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Huawei LI

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