Hi all,

While performance testing vpp stable/2206 using TRex, I am seeing a huge drop in performance when nat44 is enabled. I was seeing 14Mbps of packet drop when TRex was pushing at 20kpps on an Xeon(R) Gold 6342 CPU with E-810 100G NIC.

During the run I could see congestion drops in nat44-in2out-worker-handoff. Could this be the way I have configured vpp? Because this is obviously not the limits of VPP on this hardware.

Any clues to figure out what's happening would be great. If needed I can run tests again and change the configs.

Configuration summery is as follows, full config is attached:
* Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6342 CPU @ 2.80GHz
* Two E-810 100G NIC
* One worker (and hence 1 rx queue) per nic
* Main core and workers in same numa node as NIC
* 5 workers with two dedicated for NAT
* /30 network for each iface and static routes

NAT commands:

set nat workers 2-3
nat44 plugin enable sessions 12800000
nat mss-clamping 1452
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
set interface nat44 in HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0
set interface nat44 out HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0

Observations while running the tests:

vpp# sh threads
ID Name Type LWP Sched Policy (Priority) lcore Core Socket State 0 vpp_main 7190 other (0) 25 1 1 1 vpp_wk_0 workers 7195 other (0) 26 2 1 2 vpp_wk_1 workers 7196 other (0) 27 3 1 3 vpp_wk_2 workers 7197 other (0) 28 4 1 4 vpp_wk_3 workers 7198 other (0) 29 5 1 5 vpp_wk_4 workers 7199 other (0) 30 6 1

vpp# sh int rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
 node dpdk-input:
    HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
    HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
Thread 5 (vpp_wk_4):
 node virtio-input:
    tap0 queue 0 (polling)
    tap1 queue 0 (polling)
    tap2 queue 0 (polling)
    tap3 queue 0 (polling)

vpp# sh nat workers
2 workers

vpp# sh errors
Count Node Reason Severity 139640 nat44-out2in-worker-handoff do handoff error 1 lldp-input lldp packets received on disabled i error 5 llc-input unknown llc ssap/dsap error 62900 nat44-in2out-worker-handoff congestion drop error 202605 nat44-in2out-worker-handoff do handoff error 5 llc-input unknown llc ssap/dsap error

vpp# sh int HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0 HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0
Name Idx State MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS) Counter Count HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0 1 up 1500/0/0/0 rx packets 481773 rx bytes 81900507 tx packets 481519 tx bytes 140122029 drops 19 ip4 481754 HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0 2 up 1500/0/0/0 rx packets 701806 rx bytes 204222238 tx packets 481531 tx bytes 81860270 drops 20 ip4 701786

vpp# sh nat44 summary
max translations per thread: 12800000 fib 0
udp LRU min session timeout 5697 (now 5729)
udp LRU min session timeout 5697 (now 5729)
total sessions: 546980 (timed out: 428296)
tcp sessions:
    total: 0 (timed out: 0)
        established: 0 (timed out: 0)
        transitory: 0 (timed out: 0)
udp sessions:
    total: 546980 (timed out: 428296)
icmp sessions:
    total: 0 (timed out: 0)
other sessions:
    total: 0 (timed out: 0)

While looking at the node_names following were the top in per node counters


# Example for creating your program by specifying buffers to send, without relaying on pcap file

from trex.astf.api import *
import argparse

# we can send either Python bytes type as below:
http_req = b'GET /3384 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)\r\nAccept: */*\r\nAccept-Language: en-us\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress\r\n\r\n'
# or we can send Python string containing ascii chars, as below:
http_response = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Microsoft-IIS/6.0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 32000\r\n\r\n<html><pre>**********</pre></html>'

class Prof1():
    def __init__(self):
        pass  # tunables

    def create_profile(self):
        # client commands
        prog_c = ASTFProgram(stream=False)

        prog_s = ASTFProgram(stream=False)

        # ip generator
        ip_gen_c = ASTFIPGenDist(ip_range=["", ""], distribution="seq")
        ip_gen_s = ASTFIPGenDist(ip_range=["", ""], distribution="seq")
        ip_gen = ASTFIPGen(glob=ASTFIPGenGlobal(ip_offset=""),

        # template
        temp_c = ASTFTCPClientTemplate(program=prog_c,ip_gen=ip_gen)
        temp_s = ASTFTCPServerTemplate(program=prog_s)  # using default association
        template = ASTFTemplate(client_template=temp_c, server_template=temp_s)

        # profile
        profile = ASTFProfile(default_ip_gen=ip_gen, templates=template)
        return profile

    def get_profile(self, tunables, **kwargs):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Argparser for {}'.format(os.path.basename(__file__)), 

        args = parser.parse_args(tunables)
        return self.create_profile()

def register():
    return Prof1()
unix {
  log /var/log/vpp/vpp.log
  cli-listen /run/vpp/cli.sock
  gid vpp
  exec /usr/local/config/init.cmd

api-trace {

api-segment {
  gid vpp

socksvr {

memory {
        main-heap-size 32G

cpu {
        main-core 25
        corelist-workers 26-30

buffers {
        buffers-per-numa 128000

dpdk {
        dev default {
                num-rx-desc 2048
                num-tx-desc 2048
        dev 0000:b1:00.0 {
                workers 0
        dev 0000:b4:00.0 {
                workers 1
statseg {
    size 1G
    per-node-counters on
comment {Enable NAT in Endpoint Dependent Mode}
set nat workers 2-3
nat44 plugin enable sessions 12800000

comment { Internet }
set int mtu 1500 HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0
set int state HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0 up
set int ip address HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0

comment { Access Interfaces }
set int mtu 1500 HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0
set int state HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0 up
set int ip address HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0

comment {  Default route for ipv4  }
ip route add via HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0

comment { NAT commands  }
nat mss-clamping 1452
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
nat44 add address
set interface nat44 in HundredGigabitEthernetb4/0/0
set interface nat44 out HundredGigabitEthernetb1/0/0

comment { Timeouts to low to test high connection/sec }
set nat timeout udp 10 tcp-established 1260 tcp-transitory 45 icmp 40

comment { Add PPPOE tap }
create tap host-if-name pppoetap  hw-addr 02:fe:29:bf:68:64 rx-ring-size 4096 
tx-ring-size 4096
set int state tap0 up
create pppoe cp cp-if-index 3

comment { Add  tap for DHCP }
create tap host-if-name lstack  host-ip4-addr hw-addr 
02:fe:21:c3:a6:fd rx-ring-size 4096 tx-ring-size 4096
set int ip address tap1
set int state tap1 up

comment { Add  tap for IPfix }
create tap host-if-name collector  host-ip4-addr hw-addr 
02:fe:dc:b8:dc:8d rx-ring-size 4096 tx-ring-size 4096
set int ip address tap2
set ipfix exporter collector src template-interval 20
set int state tap2 up

comment { Add tal tap }
create tap host-if-name taltap  hw-addr 02:fe:4f:a8:d0:4f rx-ring-size 4096 
tx-ring-size 4096
set int state tap3 up

comment { Routes to make Trex work }
ip route add via
ip route add via

comment { All tap to last worker }
set int rx-placement tap0 queue 0 worker 4
set int rx-placement tap1 queue 0 worker 4
set int rx-placement tap2 queue 0 worker 4
set int rx-placement tap3 queue 0 worker 4

nat ipfix logging enable
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