
For purely my own learning, I am trying to insert my custom node into the
ip4-unicast feature arc. Based on what I know so far, I would expect the
following FEATURE_INIT struct to achieve what I want :
VNET_FEATURE_INIT (padraig, static) =
  .arc_name = "ip4-unicast",
  .node_name = "padraig",
  .runs_before = VNET_FEATURES ("ip4-lookup"),

But sadly no vectors reach my custom node "padraig" when I send a IPv4 ping
through (A trace shows no interaction with the vector).
The next thing I tried was:
VNET_FEATURE_INIT (padraig, static) =
  .arc_name = "ip4-unicast",
  .node_name = "padraig",
  .runs_after = VNET_FEATURES ("ip4-input"),
  .runs_before = VNET_FEATURES ("ip4-lookup"),

But with this I get the following runtime error:
vpp[39613]: vnet_feature_arc_init:272: feature node 'ip4-input' not found
(before 'padraig', arc 'ip4-unicast')

I have inserted the node in the device-input feature arc before
ethernet-input as per the wiki doc and it works perfectly but should I
assume ip4-unicast feature arc is not really meant to have any custom nodes
added to it? Or is this just a bad configuration on my side? For vectors to
reach my node, does a vnet node have to have my custom node set as a

Thanks in advance,
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