New report generated today:
Please review the report and update/review/merge changes as appropriate.
On 9/14/22 3:55 PM, Dave Wallace via wrote:
New report generated today:
Please review the report and update/review/merge changes as appropriate.
On 9/1/22 4:04 PM, Dave Wallace via wrote:
I have updated a gerrit change report generator authored by Ole Troan
[0] to produce a report that categorizes the state of the Gerrit
review queue. Each gerrit change is labeled with the following status:
========================== ===========================
Status Complete Needs To Be Addressed
========================== ===========================
V - verified v - not verified
E - not expired e - expired
C - no unresolved comments c - comments not resolved
R - reviewed/approved r - review incomplete
# - days since update # - days since update > 30
========================== ===========================
Example: [VECr 23]
- Verified
- Not Expired
- No unresolved comments
- Review incomplete (Code-Review < +1)
- 23 days since last update
The report generator sorts the gerrit changes into three categories
based on the state and the person or group required to perform the
next action:
- Committers:
Status [VECR xx]: Gerrit Changes that have been verified, are not
expired, no unresolved comments, & approved by a maintainer.
Action: A committer should do a final review and submit the change
or provide comment(s).
- Maintainers:
Status [VECr]: Gerrit Changes that have been verified, are not
expired, no unresolved comments, & not reviewed
Action: The Maintainer should do a code review
- Authors:
Status <other>: Gerrit Changes that are either not verified,
expired, or comments not resolved
Action: Author should rebase the change, fix verification errors,
and/or resolve comments to move the status to [VECr]
Here is a gist of the report generated today:
In the near future, I will add this to a github action to generate an
updated report daily.
Please review the report and look for gerrit changes which require
your attention.
All feedback welcome.
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