
I am trying to evaluate the forwarding efficiency of VPP with large FIB/RIB, 
like millions of entries.

However, the VPP crashes when inserting routing entries of more than 310k. The 
exact number varies across different routing rulesets but should be around 
320k. (One test is 319,739, and another is 320,065).
Is there any limit on VPP so we cannot insert too many rules? How could we 
increase the limit?

Also, the VPP memory is insufficient for testing when inserting the routing 
entries. For example, when inserting 300K routing entries, the memory 
consumption is as follows (with Python API for rule installation):

> vpp# show memory main-heap
> Thread 0 vpp_main
> base 0x7f054b0d4000, size 1g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
> page stats: page-size 4K, total 262144, mapped 170037, not-mapped 92107
> numa 0: 170037 pages, 664.21m bytes
> total: 1023.99M, used: 642.88M, free: 381.12M, trimmable: 359.79M

I am using a single-thread VPP, by the way...

VPP could not receive more than 600K routing entries under this configuration. 
Is there any way we could increase the memory that VPP could use?

Thanks in advance!
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