Hi Pablo,
I compiled VPP following the guidelines in the post you provided. Using the 
official github https://github.com/FDio/vpp.
But the moment I start VPP I have these warnings:
vpp[5924]: perfmon: skipping source 'intel-uncore' - intel_uncore_init: no 
uncore units found
vpp[5924]: vat-plug/load: vat_plugin_register: oddbuf plugin not loaded...

and the previous configuration is not showing the Interface 
GigabitEthernet0/0/3 like previously.

Previous configuration:
Ubuntu Machine:
sudo ifconfig ens3 down
sudo ifconfig ens4 down
sudo dpdk-devbind.py --bin uio_pci_generic 00:03.0
sudo dpdk-devbind.py --bin uio_pci_generic 00:04.0

I also tried with this configuration:
Ubuntu Machine:
sudo ip link add name vpp1out type veth peer name vpp1host
sudo ip link set dev vpp1out up
sudo ip link set dev vpp1host up
sudo ip addr add dev vpp1host

create host-interface name vpp1out
set int state host-vpp1out up
set int ip address host-vpp1out

I correctly tested the SRv6 network with a sid list greater than 5 and it 
works, but only ICMP works.
If I start an Iperf3 connection between two nodes (communicating properly with 
ICMP), nothing happens and Wireshark displays [TCP RETRANSMISSION].

Do you have any ideas to solve this situation?

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