First I want to thanks to all ppl that created RDMA native support in
vpp and also ppl from LCPNG / Linux-CP - it is working and looks stable :)
Was testing some scenarions with rdma+vpp+lcpng+frr BGP with 200k routes
- with mellanox mlx5 2x100G nics - where 24 cores are used for RX queue
- and vpp config has cpu configuration where we are using 25(vpp only)
cores for all workers (controll+24 workers and 8 cores left for frr
software routes and other stuff )
We are using isolcpus where last 24 cores are isolated with nohz nocb etc...
Hardware used is :
Intel 6246R
96GB ram
Mellanox Connect-X 5 2x 100GB Ethernet NIC
And the problem is that we can reach only like 7Mpps per port (2 ports
are bonded) - so in total 14Mpps for two ports in bonding
Bonding is done via vppctl
bond is reporting drops in stats - but this stats shows "no error"
Example drops from bond:
vpp# show interface
Name Idx State MTU
(L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS) Counter Count
BondEthernet0 5 up 1500/0/0/0 rx
packets 16140265734
bytes 14149099692091
packets 16136936492
bytes 14148733722122
drops 3451254
punt 1326
tx-error 1
And show errors:
vpp# show errors
Count Node Reason Severity
16 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
952172 bond-input no
error error
1 null-node blackholed
packets error
2 lacp-input good lacp packets --
cache hit error
24 arp-reply ARP replies
sent info
9 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
32 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
1 ip6-icmp-input neighbor
advertisements sent info
9 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
1772997 bond-input no
error error
2 bond-input pass through (CDP, LLDP,
slow proto error
140 snap-input unknown oui/snap
protocol error
180 ethernet-input no
error error
1 ethernet-input unknown ethernet
type error
61 ethernet-input unknown
vlan error
1 null-node blackholed
packets error
12 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
1 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations
from source error
30 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
12 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
1853434 bond-input no
error error
1 ethernet-input unknown
vlan error
1 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
1 ip4-local ip4 source lookup
miss error
30 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
1 ip6-icmp-input neighbor
advertisements sent info
1 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
1864191 bond-input no
error error
1 null-node blackholed
packets error
5 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
35 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
5 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
1743015 bond-input no
error error
3 ethernet-input unknown
vlan error
1 null-node blackholed
packets error
4 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
1 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations
from source error
35 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
4 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
1917745 bond-input no
error error
2 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
18 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
2 ip4-icmp-error hop limit exceeded
response sent info
886249 bond-input no
error error
1 ethernet-input unknown
vlan error
7 ip4-input ip4 ttl <=
1 error
1 ip6-icmp-input valid
packets info
14 ip6-icmp-input neighbor solicitations for
unknown error
1 ip6-icmp-input router advertisements
received info
This counter :
1743015 bond-input no
error error
Is wild :) and it increasing really fast - and also simple icmp ping to
this host or from this host is reporting froms from 2 to 5% - when both
100Gnics are receiving and transmitting 7Mpps - per port ( so in total
14Mpps RX and 14Mpps TX)
Basically it looks like something cant handle more - and probabbly
FIB/RIB processing is the case here - because without forwarding and
frr+routes we was able to reach like 40Mpps per 100G port
Bonded nics: (m0rdma0+m1rdma1 - created by lcp from two physical mlx
ports as RDMA pairs) - create commands:
create int rdma host-if ens1f1np1 name m1rdma1 num-rx-queues 12
create int rdma host-if ens1f0np0 name m0rdma0 num-rx-queues 12
create bond mode lacp load-balance l34
bond add BondEthernet0 m0rdma0
bond add BondEthernet0 m1rdma1
Nics attached via rdma:
m0rdma0 4 up m0rdma0
Link speed: 100 Gbps
RX Queues:
queue thread mode
0 vpp_wk_13 (14) polling
1 vpp_wk_14 (15) polling
2 vpp_wk_15 (16) polling
3 vpp_wk_16 (17) polling
4 vpp_wk_17 (18) polling
5 vpp_wk_18 (19) polling
6 vpp_wk_19 (20) polling
7 vpp_wk_20 (21) polling
8 vpp_wk_21 (22) polling
9 vpp_wk_22 (23) polling
10 vpp_wk_23 (24) polling
11 vpp_wk_0 (1) polling
Ethernet address 98:03:9b:67:f6:1e
netdev ens1f0np0 pci-addr 0000:b3:00.0
product name: CX516A - ConnectX-5 QSFP28
part number: MCX516A-CCAT
revision: B2
serial number: MT2043K02404
flags: admin-up mlx5dv
rss: ipv4-tcp ipv6-tcp
mlx5: version 0
device flags: cqe-v1 mpw-allowed enhanced-mpw cqe-128b-comp
m1rdma1 3 up m1rdma1
Link speed: 100 Gbps
RX Queues:
queue thread mode
0 vpp_wk_1 (2) polling
1 vpp_wk_2 (3) polling
2 vpp_wk_3 (4) polling
3 vpp_wk_4 (5) polling
4 vpp_wk_5 (6) polling
5 vpp_wk_6 (7) polling
6 vpp_wk_7 (8) polling
7 vpp_wk_8 (9) polling
8 vpp_wk_9 (10) polling
9 vpp_wk_10 (11) polling
10 vpp_wk_11 (12) polling
11 vpp_wk_12 (13) polling
Ethernet address 98:03:9b:67:f6:1e
netdev ens1f1np1 pci-addr 0000:b3:00.1
product name: CX516A - ConnectX-5 QSFP28
part number: MCX516A-CCAT
revision: B2
serial number: MT2043K02404
flags: admin-up mlx5dv
rss: ipv4-tcp ipv6-tcp
mlx5: version 0
device flags: cqe-v1 mpw-allowed enhanced-mpw cqe-128b-comp
Same NIC same Queue threads numbers (12 per card from 24 available cores
that are isolcpus - at kernel boot)
vpp# show interface rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
node rdma-input:
m0rdma0 queue 11 (polling)
node virtio-input:
tap1 queue 0 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
node rdma-input:
m1rdma1 queue 0 (polling)
node virtio-input:
tap5 queue 0 (polling)
Thread 3 (vpp_wk_2):
node rdma-input:
m1rdma1 queue 1 (polling)
Thread 4 (vpp_wk_3):
m1rdma1 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 5 (vpp_wk_4):
m1rdma1 queue 3 (polling)
Thread 6 (vpp_wk_5):
m1rdma1 queue 4 (polling)
Thread 7 (vpp_wk_6):
m1rdma1 queue 5 (polling)
Thread 8 (vpp_wk_7):
m1rdma1 queue 6 (polling)
Thread 9 (vpp_wk_8):
m1rdma1 queue 7 (polling)
Thread 10 (vpp_wk_9):
m1rdma1 queue 8 (polling)
Thread 11 (vpp_wk_10):
m1rdma1 queue 9 (polling)
Thread 12 (vpp_wk_11):
m1rdma1 queue 10 (polling)
Thread 13 (vpp_wk_12):
m1rdma1 queue 11 (polling)
Thread 14 (vpp_wk_13):
m0rdma0 queue 0 (polling)
Thread 15 (vpp_wk_14):
m0rdma0 queue 1 (polling)
Thread 16 (vpp_wk_15):
m0rdma0 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 17 (vpp_wk_16):
m0rdma0 queue 3 (polling)
Thread 18 (vpp_wk_17):
m0rdma0 queue 4 (polling)
Thread 19 (vpp_wk_18):
m0rdma0 queue 5 (polling)
Thread 20 (vpp_wk_19):
m0rdma0 queue 6 (polling)
Thread 21 (vpp_wk_20):
m0rdma0 queue 7 (polling)
Thread 22 (vpp_wk_21):
m0rdma0 queue 8 (polling)
Thread 23 (vpp_wk_22):
m0rdma0 queue 9 (polling)
Thread 24 (vpp_wk_23):
m0rdma0 queue 10 (polling)
Below also some stats about memory used:
vpp# show memory
show memory: Need one of api-segment, stats-segment, main-heap,
numa-heaps or map
vpp# show memory main-heap
Thread 0 vpp_main
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.37M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.37M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 3 vpp_wk_2
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 4 vpp_wk_3
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 5 vpp_wk_4
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 6 vpp_wk_5
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 7 vpp_wk_6
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 8 vpp_wk_7
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 9 vpp_wk_8
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 10 vpp_wk_9
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 11 vpp_wk_10
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 12 vpp_wk_11
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 13 vpp_wk_12
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 14 vpp_wk_13
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 15 vpp_wk_14
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 16 vpp_wk_15
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 17 vpp_wk_16
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 18 vpp_wk_17
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 19 vpp_wk_18
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 20 vpp_wk_19
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 21 vpp_wk_20
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 22 vpp_wk_21
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 23 vpp_wk_22
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 24 vpp_wk_23
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 25 vpp_wk_24
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 26 vpp_wk_25
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.38M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 27 vpp_wk_26
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.39M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
vpp# show memory main-heap
Thread 0 vpp_main
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 3 vpp_wk_2
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 4 vpp_wk_3
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 5 vpp_wk_4
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 6 vpp_wk_5
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 7 vpp_wk_6
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 8 vpp_wk_7
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
vpp# show memory main-heap
Thread 0 vpp_main
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 3 vpp_wk_2
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 4 vpp_wk_3
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 5 vpp_wk_4
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 6 vpp_wk_5
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 7 vpp_wk_6
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
page stats: page-size 1G, total 2, mapped 2, not-mapped 0
numa 0: 2 pages, 2g bytes
total: 1.99G, used: 369.58M, free: 1.64G, trimmable: 1.62G
Thread 8 vpp_wk_7
base 0x7f64c0000000, size 2g, locked, unmap-on-destroy, name 'main heap'
vpp# show memory ?
show memory show memory
vpp# show memory
show memory: Need one of api-segment, stats-segment, main-heap,
numa-heaps or map
vpp# show memory numa-heaps
Numa 0 uses the main heap...
vpp# show memory map
StartAddr size FD PageSz Pages Numa0 NotMap Name
00007f64c0000000 2g 1G 2 2 0 main heap
00007f655b663000 2m 4K 512 9 503 thread stack:
thread 0
00007f6440000000 1g 4 1G 1 1 0 stat segment
00007f655bc9a000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b642000 128k 4K 32 2 30 process stack:
00007f655bc7a000 32k 4K 8 1 7 process stack:
00007f655b639000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b630000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b627000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b61e000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5fd000 128k 4K 32 3 29 process stack:
00007f655b5f4000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5eb000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5e2000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5d9000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5d0000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b5c7000 32k 4K 8 1 7 process stack:
00007f655b5be000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b59d000 128k 4K 32 2 30 process stack:
00007f655b57c000 128k 4K 32 2 30 process stack:
00007f655b573000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b56a000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b561000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b558000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b54f000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b546000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b535000 64k 4K 16 2 14 process stack:
00007f655b52c000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b523000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b51a000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4d9000 256k 4K 64 3 61 process stack:
00007f655b4d0000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4c7000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4be000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4b5000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4ac000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b4a3000 32k 4K 8 1 7 process stack:
00007f655b49a000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b491000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b488000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b47f000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b476000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b46d000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b464000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b45b000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b452000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b449000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b440000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b437000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b42e000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b425000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b41c000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655b3db000 256k 4K 64 5 59 process stack:
00007f655b3d2000 32k 4K 8 2 6 process stack:
00007f655a5a8000 2m 4K 512 7 505 thread stack:
thread 1
00007f655a3a7000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 2
00007f655a1a6000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 3
00007f6559fa5000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 4
00007f6559da4000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 5
00007f6559ba3000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 6
00007f65599a2000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 7
00007f65597a1000 2m 4K 512 11 501 thread stack:
thread 8
00007f65595a0000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 9
00007f655939f000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 10
00007f655919e000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 11
00007f6558f9d000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 12
00007f6558d9c000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 13
00007f6558b9b000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 14
00007f655899a000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 15
00007f6558799000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 16
00007f6558598000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 17
00007f6558397000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 18
00007f6558196000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 19
00007f6553e00000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 20
00007f6553bff000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 21
00007f65539fe000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 22
00007f65537fd000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 23
00007f65535fc000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 24
00007f65533fb000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 25
00007f65531fa000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 26
00007f6552ff9000 2m 4K 512 10 502 thread stack:
thread 27
00007f6552f98000 64k 4K 16 2 14 process stack:
00007f6552f57000 256k 4K 64 3 61 process stack:
00007f6552f46000 64k 4K 16 2 14 process stack:
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