>From rfc4861:

                     Each prefix has an associated:

                             The value to be placed in the Valid
                             Lifetime in the Prefix Information option,
                             in seconds.  The designated value of all
                             1's (0xffffffff) represents infinity.
                             Implementations MAY allow AdvValidLifetime
                             to be specified in two ways:

                               - a time that decrements in real time,
                                 that is, one that will result in a
                                 Lifetime of zero at the specified time
                                 in the future, or

                               - a fixed time that stays the same in
                                 consecutive advertisements.

                             Default: 2592000 seconds (30 days), fixed
                             (i.e., stays the same in consecutive

“Fixed” and “Realtime” may be good terms yo use. 
So replace “no-decrement” with “fixed”?

Btw: the RA sending code in VPP is overdue for a complete makeover. 

Best regards,

> On 1 Aug 2022, at 20:08, hemant via lists.fd.io 
> <hemant=mnkcg....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
> Takanori-san,
> I don't see no-decrement ra option in rfc4861.  Could you please provide a 
> reference in a document first.
> Thanks,
> Hemant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> On Behalf Of Takanori Hirano 
> via lists.fd.io
> Sent: Monday, August 01, 2022 7:01 AM
> To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Unable to set valid-lifetime in ipv6 ra
> Dear Mr. Andrew Yourtchenko,
> Thank you for your review and merge.
> It is an honor to contribute with your great support.
> I have newly added the no-decrement option to ra config.
> Can you please review this one too?
> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36781
>> Takanori-san,
>> Thanks a lot for the confirmation ! I had a closer review and I was 
>> indeed incorrect in my quick look - the lifetimes are handled below.
>> I was looking only at the loop itself.
>> I have merged your fix. Thank you very much for your contribution!
>> --a
>>> On 30 Jul 2022, at 05:25, Takanori Hirano via lists.fd.io 
>>> <me=hrntknr....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Andrew Yourtchenko,
>>> Thanks for the review. We have checked the actual packets created.
>>> ```
>>> create tap
>>> set interface state tap0 up
>>> set ip6 address tap0 2001:db8::/64
>>> ip6 nd tap0 prefix 2001:db8::/64 14400 12600
>>> ip6 nd tap0 no ra-suppress
>>> ```
>>> The result of rdisc6 at this time was this.
>>> (pcap is also available in the attachment)
>>> ```
>>> rdisc6 tap0
>>> Soliciting ff02::2 (ff02::2) on tap0...
>>> Hop limit                 :           64 (      0x40) Stateful 
>>> address conf.    :           No Stateful other conf.      :           
>>> No Mobile home agent         :           No Router preference         
>>> :       medium Neighbor discovery proxy  :           No Router 
>>> lifetime           :          600 (0x00000258) seconds Reachable 
>>> time            :  unspecified (0x00000000) Retransmit time           
>>> :  unspecified (0x00000000)
>>> Source link-layer address: 02:FE:A7:E5:46:11
>>> MTU                      :         9000 bytes (valid)
>>> Prefix                   : 2001:db8::/64
>>>  On-link                 :          Yes
>>>  Autonomous address conf.:          Yes
>>>  Valid time              :        14384 (0x00003830) seconds
>>>  Pref. time              :        12584 (0x00003128) seconds
>>> from fe80::fe:a7ff:fee5:4611
>>> ```
>>> The decrement_lifetime_flag/deprecated_prefix_flag is 1, so the 
>>> packet looks correct.
>>> (14400 > 14384, 12600 > 12584)
>>>> Takanori-san,
>>>> Did you verify with the tcpdump/wire shark that your patch 
>>>> achieves the intended result of setting the lifetime ?
>>>> From my quick look it seems like this suggested change will not 
>>>> achieve the behavior you are looking for; but I am not very 
>>>> familiar with that part of the code so may be mistaken, so that’s 
>>>> why suggested using the wireshark.
>>>> --a
>>>>> On 29 Jul 2022, at 13:38, Takanori Hirano via lists.fd.io 
>>>>> <me=hrntknr....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> I have found a problem with vppctl when configuring ipv6 per- 
>>>>> prefix (valid-lifetime, pref-lifetime, etc.), which causes an 
>>>>> error.
>>>>> vpp# ip6 nd tap prefix 240b:10:9ab0:2201::1/64 14400 12600
>>>>> ip6 nd: parse error `14400 12600'
>>>>> I have created my first patch and would appreciate anyone's 
>>>>> review.
>>>>> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36779
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