
A couple of days ago I saw Pim's presentation about VPP.
After that I decided to try VPP so I visited Pim's webpage to gain some
knowledge ;)

I'd like to thank Pim for great job!

I have a machine with X710 (quad SFP+) and VPP running.
I've created two separate bridge domains with two 10G ports each.
Two ports (from different bd) are connected with external DAC - to double
traffic passing this machine.

Ok, it's time to push some traffic and see interface counters (via SNMP and
Pim's SNMP agent).

... and I see some strange counter readings (some are doubled) on two ports:
TenGigabitEthernet8/0/3 and 8/0/1
when on interface 8/0/2 and 8/0/0 are ok.


Have you ever noticed this behavior?

p.s. I have changed bridges to xconnects with the same result.

VPP version: vpp v22.10-rc0~66-g963e9b583 built by root on rt-vpp-test at

Thank you for any tips!

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