Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the explanation. I'll try to reach maintainers of the lcp plugin
and convince them :)
Yes, I'm working on an agent for managing vpp through binary api and it's
written in C++ - so it breaks the compilation. I have a patch in my local
repo for that, but now I'm trying to merge all my patches upstream.

On Fri, 15 Jul 2022 at 11:14, Andrew Yourtchenko <ayour...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stanislav,
> The api is marked as “Production” so the behavior of checkstyle is there
> to protect the users (as for the duplication - it is a choice to do it once
> in VPP or in each and every downstream consumer). As for the pure code
> exercise - I just did it for the sake of a test, took a grand total of 15
> minutes to add the new message versions. Hardly a massive deal. (We could
> probably improve tooling on the lifecycle management of these, though)
> That said - for this specific case - is the presence of the “namespace”
> member in a structure within the api a showstopper for you - that is, does
> it cause a compilation failure of some sort  ? If so - one option is to
> mark the APIs as experimental and then change it in-place. It is up to
> component owners to decide the policy.
> --a
> On 15 Jul 2022, at 09:39, Stanislav Zaikin <zsta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> According to [0] it should be possible to add breaking changes to vpp api
> with incrementing the major version of the api. There's one issue in the
> LCP api - a C++ keyword "namespace" is used there and I want to change it
> to "netns" and increase a major version. But make checkstyle-api still
> fails. Any ideas?
> Of course, I can add new methods _v2 and deprecate the older ones. But
> it'd lead to code duplication and still I'd need to wait at least 2
> releases.
> [0] https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/API_Versioning
> --
> Best regards
> Stanislav Zaikin

Best regards
Stanislav Zaikin
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