Hi All,

I am seeing control ping as barrier in vppctl show event-logger
     183.618268013: api-msg: control_ping
     183.618286262: api-msg-done(barrier): control_ping
where as
       5.159651797: api-msg-done(mp-safe): trace_plugin_msg_ids
       5.159651968: api-msg: trace_plugin_msg_ids
In code I am seeing is_mp_set is set for both the apis.

in vlib_api.c
  am->is_mp_safe[VL_API_TRACE_PLUGIN_MSG_IDS] = 1;

in vpp/api/api.c
am->is_mp_safe[VL_API_CONTROL_PING] = 1;

>From my debugging I confirmed is_mp_safe is 1 for control ping
107       if (!pool_elts (am->vl_clients))
(gdb) p am->is_mp_safe[VL_API_CONTROL_PING]
$3 = 1 '\001'
(gdb) c

Then I checked where the event logs are stored
in vlibapi/api_shared.c
I am seeing
  ed->barrier = !am->is_mp_safe[id]; in function msg_handler_internal
      ed->barrier = is_mp_safe; in function vl_msg_api_handler_with_vm_node
So my doubt is , this a bug or some purpose is there with this. Kindly help
with this.

With Regards,
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