Hi Siddarth,

The linked document is quite old and I don't think it can be relied on in it's 
current state. I am using vpp (22.06-20220307) in Azure with external dpdk from 
debian 11 (20.11) and it's working well except for an issue with larger buffer 

What sort of errors are you seeing in the vpp log? Are you sure that the 
interfaces that you want vpp to control are DOWN when vpp starts? Depending on 
how you've deployed the VM dhcp may be being run for the AN interfaces which 
you want to be vpp owned, which would block them from being used by vpp.

Another point is that I've had more success binding devices using their VMBUS 
id instead of the PCI ID, for example:

dpdk {

    dev 6045bd81-248e-6045-bd81-248e6045bd81 {
        num-rx-queues 4
        num-tx-queues 4
        name GigabitEthernet1

    dev 6045bd81-2600-6045-bd81-26006045bd81 {
        num-rx-queues 4
        num-tx-queues 4
        name GigabitEthernet2

VPP is up and running:

$ sudo vppctl sh hard
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
GigabitEthernet1                   1     up   GigabitEthernet1
  Link speed: 50 Gbps
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode
    0     main (0)       polling
    1     main (0)       polling
    2     main (0)       polling
    3     main (0)       polling
  Ethernet address 60:45:bd:81:24:8e
  Microsoft Hyper-V Netvsc
    carrier up full duplex max-frame-size 0
    flags: admin-up tx-offload rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 4 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 0 max 65535 align 1)
    tx: queues 4 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 1 max 4096 align 1)
    max rx packet len: 65536
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast on
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum rss-hash
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-tso
    tx offload active: ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum multi-segs
    rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6
    rss active:        ipv4-tcp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6
    tx burst function: (not available)
    rx burst function: (not available)

    tx frames ok                                      263350
    tx bytes ok                                     41871764
    rx frames ok                                      253901
    rx bytes ok                                     33154932
    extended stats:
      rx_good_packets                                 253901
      tx_good_packets                                 263350
      rx_good_bytes                                 33154932
      tx_good_bytes                                 41871764
      rx_q0_packets                                     4849
      rx_q0_bytes                                     298233
      rx_q1_packets                                     1345
      rx_q1_bytes                                     147229
      rx_q2_packets                                    32967
      rx_q2_bytes                                    3625057
      rx_q3_packets                                     1330
      rx_q3_bytes                                     145796
      rx_q0_good_packets                                4849
      rx_q0_good_bytes                                298233
      rx_q0_undersize_packets                           3462
      rx_q0_size_65_127_packets                         1066
      rx_q0_size_128_255_packets                         318
      rx_q0_size_256_511_packets                           3
      rx_q1_good_packets                                1345
      rx_q1_good_bytes                                147229
      rx_q1_undersize_packets                              2
      rx_q1_size_65_127_packets                         1035
      rx_q1_size_128_255_packets                         307
      rx_q1_size_1024_1518_packets                         1
      rx_q2_good_packets                               32967
      rx_q2_good_bytes                               3625057
      rx_q2_multicast_packets                          31662
      rx_q2_undersize_packets                              1
      rx_q2_size_65_127_packets                        32663
      rx_q2_size_128_255_packets                         303
      rx_q3_good_packets                                1330
      rx_q3_good_bytes                                145796
      rx_q3_size_65_127_packets                         1016
      rx_q3_size_128_255_packets                         313
      rx_q3_size_256_511_packets                           1
      vf_rx_good_packets                              213410
      vf_tx_good_packets                              263350
      vf_rx_good_bytes                              28938617
      vf_tx_good_bytes                              41871764
      vf_rx_q0_packets                                    16
      vf_rx_q0_bytes                                    5964
      vf_rx_q1_packets                                213394
      vf_rx_q1_bytes                                28932653
      vf_tx_q0_packets                                263350
      vf_tx_q0_bytes                                41871764
      vf_rx_unicast_packets                           213410
      vf_rx_unicast_bytes                           28938617
      vf_tx_unicast_packets                           262385
      vf_tx_unicast_bytes                           41860696
      vf_tx_multicast_packets                            960
      vf_tx_multicast_bytes                            81772
      vf_tx_broadcast_packets                              5
      vf_tx_broadcast_bytes                             1146
GigabitEthernet2                   2     up   GigabitEthernet2
  Link speed: 50 Gbps
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode
    0     main (0)       polling
    1     main (0)       polling
    2     main (0)       polling
    3     main (0)       polling
  Ethernet address 60:45:bd:81:26:00
  Microsoft Hyper-V Netvsc
    carrier up full duplex max-frame-size 0
    flags: tx-offload rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 4 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 0 max 65535 align 1)
    tx: queues 4 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 1 max 4096 align 1)
    max rx packet len: 65536
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast off
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum rss-hash
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-tso
    tx offload active: ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum multi-segs
    rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6
    rss active:        ipv4-tcp ipv4 ipv6-tcp ipv6
    tx burst function: (not available)
    rx burst function: (not available)

From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> on behalf of siddarth rai via 
lists.fd.io <siddsr=gmail....@lists.fd.io>
Sent: 04 July 2022 12:38
To: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Subject: [vpp-dev] VPP on Azure

Hello All,

I am trying to run VPP (version 22.02) on a Linux (centos 7.9.2009) VM on 
Azure. I have made sure that accelerated networking is enabled on the VM.
However, when I start up VPP I notice that it is not able to bind with the 
interface whitelisted in the startup.conf.

I found this article in fd.io<http://fd.io> docs - 
According to this, VPP 18.07(with DPDK 18.02) was tried on azure. Newer 
versions were causing issues.

So, I wanted to understand if the newer versions of VPP(with DPDK) are 
supported on azure and if anyone has tried it recently?

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