
Linux CP's "interface-auto-create" flag is no longer valid. Currently you
can use the following CLI options (see src/plugins/linux-cp/lcp_cli.c):
  .short_help = "lcp create <sw_if_index>|<if-name> host-if <host-if-name> "
  .short_help = "lcp lcp-sync [on|enable|off|disable]",
  .short_help = "lcp lcp-auto-subint [on|enable|off|disable]",
  .short_help = "lcp param [del-static-on-link-down
(on|enable|off|disable)] "
  .short_help = "lcp default netns [<namespace>]",
  .short_help = "lcp delete <sw_if_index>|<if-name>",
  .short_help = "show lcp [phy <interface>]",

And you can use the following startup.conf options (see
      if (unformat (input, "default netns %v", &default_ns))
      else if (unformat (input, "lcp-auto-subint"))
      else if (unformat (input, "lcp-sync"))
      else if (unformat (input, "del-static-on-link-down"))
      else if (unformat (input, "del-dynamic-on-link-down"))

Also please be aware that LinuxCP changed substantially between 22.02 and
(upcoming) 22.06. I recommend you use HEAD or the 22.06 release candidate
to benefit from these improvements and changes.

On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 5:08 PM Chinmaya Aggarwal <chinmaya.agar...@hsc.com>

> Hi,
> I have compiled VPP v22.02 on Centos 8.4. I was able to compile it. But
> when I installed it and modified /etc/vpp/startup.conf, vpp service is not
> able to come up. I added below sections in /etc/vpp/startup.conf:-
> dpdk {
> socket-mem 1024 dev 0000:00:08.0 dev 0000:00:09.0 dev 0000:00:0a.0 dev
> 0000:00:0b.0
> }
> plugins {
>         ## Adjusting the plugin path depending on where the VPP plugins are
>         #       path
> /ws/vpp/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/lib/vpp_plugins
>         ## Disable all plugins by default and then selectively enable
> specific plugins
>         # plugin default { disable }
>         # plugin dpdk_plugin.so { enable }
>         # plugin acl_plugin.so { enable }
>         plugin linux_cp_plugin.so { enable }
>         plugin linux_nl_plugin.so { enable }
>         ## Enable all plugins by default and then selectively disable
> specific plugins
>         # plugin dpdk_plugin.so { disable }
>         # plugin acl_plugin.so { disable }
> }
> linux-cp {
>           default netns dataplane
>           interface-auto-create
> }
> VPP service log is showing error for the highlighted sections:-
> vlib_call_all_config_functions: unknown input `dpdk  socket-mem 1024 dev
> 0000:00:08.0 dev 0000:00:09.0 '
> vlib_call_all_config_functions: unknown input `linux-cp  default netns
> dataplane interface-auto-create '
> I have compiled VPP with all the plugins mentioned above. In
> "/usr/lib/vpp_plugins/" I can see .so files
> i.e dpdk_plugin.so, linux_cp_plugin.so, linux_nl_plugin.so
> Can you please help us if we are missing out something?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Chinmaya Agarwal.

Pim van Pelt <p...@ipng.nl>
PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/
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