Hi Dave, good catch about requirements.txt. Should be fixed now.
I’m not sure how to proceed with rest of code, seems to be mostly Ole’s domain. Thoughts, Ole? Thanks, Klement On 2 May 2022, at 18:50, Dave Wallace <dwallac...@gmail.com<mailto:dwallac...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi Klement, I agree that black is a much better PEP8 compliance/formatter for python code. I've been using it on my personal python projects for a while now. I left a minor comment on your gerrit change wrt. installation of pinned version as part of the rest of the python virtualenv. Otherwise it looks good to me. What about the rest of the python code in the repo? Thanks, -daw- On 5/2/22 6:56 AM, Klement Sekera wrote: Hey vpp-dev, looking at our current code style and its PEP8 compliance I see a couple of issues 1.) it’s not really PEP8 compliant 2.) we have no test-fixstyle I decided to make it more PEP8 compliant and found out that to just fix W503 to W504 (per https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/#should-a-line-break-before-or-after-a-binary-operator), we would need to do a lot of manual code style changes. Looking at a tool to do that I stumbled upon black (https://github.com/psf/black) which aims to be a consistent code style fixer/validator producing minimum diffs. It’s already used by many small and large projects and similarly small and large organisations. It’s also much faster to validate/format than pycodestyle/autopep8 - its runtime on all our files is in seconds. My proposal is to bite the bullet and accept a change in style in exchange for a consistent, auto-formatted, (almost entirely) pep8 compliant style. Here’s the diff: https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36043 Thoughts? Thanks, Klement
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