Eric <> writes:

> Hi Folks,
> *First* , I have config VF vlan with id 100 via
> *ip link set dev eno2 vf 0 vlan 100
> on the host machine*
> the physic nic type as follows:
> 1c:00.2 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection *X722* for 
> 1GbE (rev 09)
> *ip link show*
> things is all right,
> OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
> kernel: Linux master01 4.15.0-167-generic #175-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 5 01:56:07 
> UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> vpp: vpp v21.06.0-3~gbb25fbf28~b50 built by root on c781a8a13ff2 at 
> 2021-11-30T23:15:05
> *Then* ,when I start *vpp(dpdk manage vf0)* *conatiner* in k8s,
> ---
> dpdk {
> dev default {
> num-rx-queues 2
> num-tx-queues 2
> }
> dev 0000:1c:06.0 {name dp0}
> dev 0000:1c:06.2 {name dp1}
> }
> ---
> *the VF VLAN ID disappered?
> * so *trace add dpdk-input 30*
> the tip is Unknown VLAN ID ?
> another way,I create subinterface to strip the vlan id,the errors has 
> gone(got by *show errors in vpp* ),but no arp response to request

Can you give us a snippet of trace here.
I presume the trace shows the ARP being recieved but dropped?

> In fact, I want to do an experience,topo as bellows:
> VF1 ping VF2
> 1.If no vlan ont the VF1,VF2,ping is ok
> 2.If vlan tag truns on before vpp container,then start vpp with dpdk 
> plugin,the host VF vlan will disapper,the VF1 ARP request arrives VF2(trace 
> packet),but no repsonse to ARP Request and we can get vlan id 100
> even if I create subinterface,no repsone for ARP Request
> So I add vlan Id again on the host, strange again,no packet will arrive VF2
> any help is appreciate

Regards, Ray K
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