Tx drops usually mean the interface does not keep up with the packet rate and 
VPP/DPDK has to drop the packets because the tx queue is full.
If it is caused by short bursts of traffic, you can try to increase the tx 
queue size to better absorb those bursts.
If the interface is just too slow, you'll have to either accept it or try to 
increase the tx interface performance.
In rare cases, it can be another issue with the interface and in that case a 
look at the output of 'show log' and 'show hard' might give a hint.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> On Behalf Of Girish NL
> Sent: jeudi 24 février 2022 12:58
> To: Girish Nagamangala <nlgir...@gmail.com>
> Cc: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Tx packet drops (dpdk tx failure) Error seen and no
> packet flow possible after this
> Hello All,
> Could somebody kindly point out what can cause "Tx packet drops (dpdk tx
> failure)" errors and packet drops? Was this observed by anybody and any
> solution was adopted in the latest VPP versions? Kindly help as we are
> unable to figure out the reason for such drops.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Girish
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 7:40 PM Girish NL via lists.fd.io
> <http://lists.fd.io>  <nlgirish=gmail....@lists.fd.io
> <mailto:gmail....@lists.fd.io> > wrote:
>       Hi,
>       We are using VPP for one of our products where we have used below
> VPP and DPDK versions for achieving packet flow between a router and this
> product/Network entity.
>       VPP-18.07
>       DPDK 19.11.2
>       The packet flow is all fine for a few days/months and all of sudden
> we see packets are unable to send out of this network element and below
> VPP counter is getting incremented(full show error output is attached).
>            19672         EthernetSwitch2/0/0-tx         Tx packet drops
> (dpdk tx failure)
>       Could you please share some inputs on why this error can come and
> packet drops in VPP? We also see that the incoming traffic to this network
> entity is fine. Only outgoing is affected and it recovers only if we
> reboot the system.
>       We are not testing any large traffic flow, but only nominal traffic
> of about less than 1Gbps (supported is 10Gbps) is being tested. Please
> note this issue is seen very rarely and we can't reproduce at ease or we
> just have to wait for the system to come to this state.
>       Regards,
>       Girish

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