Hi All,

I'm able to bring up the vhost-user interface after vpp is up
using following command:

create vhost-user socket /tmp/virt_sock/vhost3.sock server

and it is reflected in "show vhost-user"

vpp# show vhost-user
Virtio vhost-user interfaces
  coalesce frames 32 time 1e-3
  Number of rx virtqueues in interrupt mode: 0
  Number of GSO interfaces: 0
  Thread 0: Polling queue count 1
Interface: VirtualEthernet0/0/0 (ifindex 2)
  Number of qids 2
virtio_net_hdr_sz 0
 features mask (0xfffffffbdfffa27c):
 features (0x0):
  protocol features (0x0)

 socket filename /tmp/virt_sock/vhost3.sock type server errno "Success"

 rx placement:
   thread 0 on vring 1, polling
 tx placement

 Memory regions (total 0)

*Issue is *when I try to bring up vhost-user interface using dpdk
section in startup.conf.

I add the following lines in dpdk section:

log-level 8
socket-mem 1024,1024
huge-dir /mnt/huge_c0
vdev eth_vhost0,iface=/tmp/virt_sock/vhost4.sock

The interface comes up :

vpp# show interface
              Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)
  Counter          Count
GigabitEthernet4/0/2              1     down         9000/0/0/0
VhostEthernet1                    2     down         9000/0/0/0
local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0

but I'm not able to see interface in output of "*show vhost-user".*

*Are these two interface same or we need something else in dpdk
section for an equivalent interface ?*

*Also what shall we add in dpdk section to bringup a memif interface ?*

*Is there some document related to dpdk section in vpp's startup.conf
which has detailed description ?*

It'll be a great help .

Thank You

Pragya Nand
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