
Can you share a packet trace? I'd expect the packet to go through ip4-lookup 
(where ip.fib_index is set) before ip4-local, not going directly from ip4-input 
to ip4-local.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> On Behalf Of Mahdi
> Varasteh
> Sent: lundi 7 février 2022 06:51
> To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: [vpp-dev] IGMP over an IPSec protected tunnel
> Hi VPP folks,
> Recently I ran into a problem: receiving IGMP packets over a GRE tunnel
> protected by IPSec in transport mode, sometimes causes a VPP crash.
> The crash happens in ip4-local node. Using debug image, i realized the
> problem was caused by an invalid fib index passed to fib_get() function.
> Digging down the code, I found the root cause of this problem: buffer's
> opaque.
> IGMP packets have a Router Alert option in IP header. This causes the
> packets to directly goes from ip4-input node to ip4-local node and this is
> all right. But IGMP packets that are encrypted, first have to be
> decrypted. During this process, their buffer's opaque changes and
> ipsec.sad_index is set. Then the packet is passed to ip4-input then ip4-
> local and there, ip.fib_index from buffer's opaque is used; But the
> ipsec.sad_index and ip.fib_index are the same in opaque struct. This is
> the reason of invalid fib index.
> What is the best way to prevent the crashes and fix the behavior of IPSec
> decryption? which part of the code should be changed?

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