From: <> on behalf of Amit Mehra via <>
Date: Monday, 17 January 2022 at 09:30
To: <>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] MPLS Tunnel Interface on Provider Router
Thanks Neale for the response.

We are trying to simulate L3VPN usecase and want to maintain counters per 
FEC(on both PE and P nodes).
Yes, we can achieve label swap/pop without tunnel interface too but that way we 
are not maintaining per FEC counters. As per my understanding, with tunnels, we 
can have counters per FEC.

VPP keeps counters for each entry in the MPLS table. Each entry represents a 
local label and so a FEC.

 forwarding:   mpls-neos-chain

  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [proto:mpls index:21 buckets:1 uRPF:21 to:[0:0]]   
<<< Here at the end.

You can also get them from the stats segment.

I have few follow-up questions based on your responses

  1.  Are tunnel interfaces meant only for having statistics per FEC or are 
there any other usecase for creating mpls tunnel? In other words, we can 
achieve label encapsulation, label swap/pop operations without tunnel too then 
what's the need of having a tunnel?

Two reason of the top of my head;
1 – to change the topology of the network. For example the tunnel could be a 
link visible to the IGP
2 – to send a packet whose addresses are not understood by the network, i.e. v4 
packet over a v6 network.

2) As per the sample configuration of L3VPN given in, tunnel interface is not considered. Any 
reason why tunnel interface is not considered for realizing L3VPN ? Does it 
have any other implication (if considered for L3VPN) or we can configure L3VPN 
even with tunnel interface (on both PE and P devices) too and it would be 
another alternative way?

Tunnels don’t scale. You can’t create as many tunnels as one might have routes 
in an L3VPN.

There are lots of good free resources on L3VPN architecture that can explain 
more than I will ever know 😉


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