Hello VPP experts, fdio version: 2106
We are seeing the following crash with this version. with the earlier version (we were using fdio 2005), we don't see any problem. Have you seen a similar issue earlier? Any idea what could be the root cause based on the information given below? (gdb) bt #0 0x00007f3f5bf872a2 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f3f5bf708a4 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #2 0x0000563169f469a0 in os_panic () at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vpp/vnet/main.c:453 #3 0x00007f3f5c334597 in clib_mem_alloc_aligned_at_offset (size=<optimized out>, align=8, align_offset=<optimized out>, os_out_of_memory_on_failure=1) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vppinfra/mem.h:243 #4 vec_resize_allocate_memory (v=<optimized out>, v@entry=0x7f3f4ef613e0, length_increment=<optimized out>, length_increment@entry=1, data_bytes=167075112, header_bytes=8, header_bytes@entry=0, data_align=data_align@entry=8, numa_id=numa_id@entry=255) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vppinfra/vec.c:111 #5 0x00007f3f5c4025cb in _vec_resize_inline (v=0x7f3f4ef613e0, length_increment=1, data_bytes=<optimized out>, header_bytes=0, data_align=8, numa_id=255) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vppinfra/vec.h:170 #6 vlib_put_next_frame (vm=<optimized out>, vm@entry=0x7f3f30239780, r=r@entry=0x7f3f30d1b180, next_index=next_index@entry=2, n_vectors_left=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:543 #7 0x00007f3f5c5a61cd in enqueue_one (vm=0x7f3f30239780, node=0x7f3f30d1b180, used_elt_bmp=0x7f3bf9bf8f20, next_index=<optimized out>, buffers=0x7f3f30562090, nexts=0x7f3bf9bf9420, n_buffers=<optimized out>, n_left=<optimized out>, tmp=0x7f3bf9bf8f60) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/buffer_funcs.c:105 #8 vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next_fn_skx (vm=0x7f3f30239780, node=0x7f3f30d1b180, buffers=0x7f3f30562090, nexts=<optimized out>, count=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/buffer_funcs.c:153 #9 0x00007f3edac5bcaf in vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (count=<optimized out>, nexts=0x7f3bf9bf9420, buffers=<optimized out>, node=0x7f3f30d1b180, vm=0x7f3f30239780) at /usr/cna/bld-dataplane_base/base/cni-infra-dataplane/fdio/src/fdio.2106/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/include/vlib/buffer_node.h:344 #10 an_ppe_router_input_inline (is_trace=<optimized out>, frame=<optimized out>, node=<optimized out>, p_vlib_main=<optimized out>) at /src/cna/.build/dbg/external-package/fdio/src/fdio.2106/src/an-plugins/an_ppe_router-plugin/an_ppe_router/an_ppe_router_input_node.c:298 #11 an_ppe_router_input_node_fn (vm=0x7f3f30239780, node=<optimized out>, frame=0x7f3f30562080) at /src/cna/.build/dbg/external-package/fdio/src/fdio.2106/src/an-plugins/an_ppe_router-plugin/an_ppe_router/an_ppe_router_input_node.c:315 #12 0x00007f3f5c405427 in dispatch_node (vm=0x7f3f30239780, node=0x7f3f30d1b180, type=VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, dispatch_state=VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING, frame=<optimized out>, last_time_stamp=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1058 #13 dispatch_pending_node (vm=0x7f3f30239780, pending_frame_index=10442192, last_time_stamp=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1238 #14 vlib_main_or_worker_loop (vm=0x7f3f30239780, is_main=0) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1822 #15 vlib_worker_loop (vm=vm@entry=0x7f3f30239780) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1956 #16 0x00007f3f5c48817d in vlib_worker_thread_fn (arg=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/threads.c:1617 #17 0x00007f3f5c33f56c in clib_calljmp () at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vppinfra/longjmp.S:123 #18 0x00007f3bfb7fdc30 in ?? () #19 0x00007f3f5c46f0e7 in vlib_worker_thread_bootstrap_fn (arg=0x7f3edc721a40) at /usr/src/debug/vpp-21.06.0-3~g50650da54_dirty.x86_64/src/vlib/threads.c:488 #20 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () (gdb) thread apply all bt couple of things we saw while debugging this problem: 1. pending_frame vector len is huge: (gdb) p nm->pending_frames $4 = (vlib_pending_frame_t *) 0x7f3f4532fe30 (gdb) get_vec_len 0x7f3f4532fe30 $5 = 10236250 (gdb) 2. pending_frame vector has duplicate entries: (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[0] $10 = {frame = 0x7f3f30709b80, node_runtime_index = 648, next_frame_index = 4294967295} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[1] $11 = {frame = 0x7f3f30709280, node_runtime_index = 550, next_frame_index = 2299} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[2] $12 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e2140, node_runtime_index = 548, next_frame_index = 2315} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[3] $13 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e2a80, node_runtime_index = 569, next_frame_index = 949} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[4] $14 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e4140, node_runtime_index = 567, next_frame_index = 2629} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[5] $15 = {frame = 0x7f3f30523280, node_runtime_index = 251, next_frame_index = 2605} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[6] $16 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e2a80, node_runtime_index = 569, next_frame_index = 949} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[7] $17 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e4140, node_runtime_index = 567, next_frame_index = 2629} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[8] $18 = {frame = 0x7f3f30523280, node_runtime_index = 251, next_frame_index = 2605} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[100] $19 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e4140, node_runtime_index = 567, next_frame_index = 2629} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[101] $20 = {frame = 0x7f3f30523280, node_runtime_index = 251, next_frame_index = 2605} (gdb) p nm->pending_frames[102] $21 = {frame = 0x7f3f302e2a80, node_runtime_index = 569, next_frame_index = 949} 3. all the frame points to same buffer: (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f30709b80 $56 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f30709b90 (gdb) p *$56 $57 = 4988539 (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f30709280 $58 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f30709290 (gdb) p *$58 $59 = 4988539 (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f302e2140 $60 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f302e2150 (gdb) p *$60 $61 = 4988539 (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f302e2a80 $62 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f302e2a90 (gdb) p *$62 $63 = 4988539 (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f302e4140 $64 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f302e4150 (gdb) p *$64 $65 = 4988539 (gdb) get_buf_index_from_frame 0x7f3f30523280 $66 = (u32 *) 0x7f3f30523290 (gdb) p *$66 $67 = 4988539 (gdb) 4. buffer data shows that it's a v6 BGP packet. 5. next_frame vector: (gdb) p nm->next_frames $50 = (vlib_next_frame_t *) 0x7f3f30852c00 (gdb) p nm->next_frames[2605] $51 = {frame = 0x0, node_runtime_index = 251, flags = 32772, vectors_since_last_overflow = 3412084} (gdb) p /t nm->next_frames[2605].flags $52 = 1000000000000100 (gdb) p nm->nodes_by_type[VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL] $53 = (vlib_node_runtime_t *) 0x7f3f30b2ad00 (gdb) p nm->nodes_by_type[VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL][251] $54 = {cacheline0 = 0x7f3f30b32a80 "", function = 0x7f3edac5b300 <an_ppe_router_input_node_fn>, errors = 0x7f3edcaf89e0, clocks_since_last_overflow = 1303441754, max_clock = 17932868, max_clock_n = 1, calls_since_last_overflow = 3412083, vectors_since_last_overflow = 3412083, next_frame_index = 947, node_index = 291, input_main_loops_per_call = 0, main_loop_count_last_dispatch = 92468689, main_loop_vector_stats = {0, 3412081}, flags = 0, state = 0, n_next_nodes = 3, cached_next_index = 2, thread_index = 3, runtime_data = 0x7f3f30b32ac6 ""} (gdb) (gdb) get_vec_len nm->next_frames $69 = 4005 (gdb) 6. node runtime index to name mapping: (gdb) p nm->nodes[648].name $70 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcd6e130 "ip4-sv-reassembly" (gdb) p nm->nodes[550].name $71 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcd3f630 "esp4-decrypt-post" (gdb) p nm->nodes[548].name $72 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcd3dec0 "esp6-decrypt-post" (gdb) p nm->nodes[569].name $73 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcd48680 "ah4-decrypt-handoff" (gdb) p nm->nodes[567].name $74 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcd47cf0 "ipsec4-input-feature" (gdb) p nm->nodes[251].name $75 = (u8 *) 0x7f3edcac17c0 "dns46_reply" (gdb) Thanks Vipin A.
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