native AVF driver 22.5 Mpps vs DPDK i40e 17.5Mpps on the same hardware.

Beside what Benoit listed we have following native drivers:
 - virtio
 - vhost-user
 - tap
 - vmxnet
 - memif
 - af_packet
 - af_xdp
Ben was right about outdated documentation, contributions in this area are more 
than welcome….

And just to make it clear, I do respect DPDK, it bring lot of traction to 
userspace networking and it is very good fit in many cases.
Problem we have with DPDK is that it is built as monolythic framework and not 
as a set of reusable libraries.
If you want to use NIC drivers you are forced to use buffer management, memory 
allocator, command line parser, and many more.
That makes it very hard to use in existing projects like VPP where we need to 
run lot of DPDK code which is redundant for us just to get some functionality 
It will be really nice that DPDK provides something what rdma-core already 
does, direct access to NIC descriptors so we can only extract data we need 
of copying all data from descriptor to rte_mbuf and then from rte_mbuf to our 
own metadata.
Also in many places we had to write thousands lines of code which sole purpose 
is to cheat DPDK, good example is EAL command line construction or 
fake buffer pools…
As long as DPDK stays as monolithic as it is, our only option is to have native 


> On 09.11.2021., at 21:05, Mrityunjay Kumar <> wrote:
> Thanks ben, 
> Inline please, 
> On Tue, 9 Nov, 2021, 7:24 pm Benoit Ganne (bganne) via, 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> DPDK is definitely supported in VPP but it has performance impacts
> In case, we have performance bench marking, please share with us. 
> and also carries a lot of dependencies (see for example the discussion on 
> RISC-V: if DPDK was mandatory, we'd have to have both DPDK and VPP on RISC-V, 
> but as VPP have native drivers too, we can get away without DPDK).
> Nice,  please share wiki link,  I sm not aware about that, 
> VPP currently have native drivers for the following physical NICs:
>  - avf: Intel with AVF support (Fortville and Columbiaville)
>  - rdma: Mellanox mlx5 (ConnectX-4/5/6)
> In case, the support are,  please share wiki link,  
> Thanks for details 
> //MJ
> Best
> ben
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: <> On Behalf Of Ben McKeegan
> > Sent: mardi 9 novembre 2021 11:38
> > To:
> > Subject: Recommended NICs and drivers (was Re: [vpp-dev] About Risc-V
> > Porting)
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On 08/11/2021 19:15, Damjan Marion via wrote:
> > >
> > > and that VPP works better when DPDK is not involved.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Apologies for hijacking the thread but as a new VPP user who has spent
> > many many hours reading through every scrap of documentation I can find,
> > this statement comes as a surprise to me.   Unfortunately a lot of the
> > VPP documentation seems a bit out of date.  Indeed, the documentation
> > for most the recent release still says it 'Leverages best-of-breed open
> > source driver technology: DPDK':
> > 
> >
> > 
> > So if DPDK isn't the best option any more, what do the people of this
> > list recommend as a NIC and driver combination, and why?
> > (Unfortunately, I don't have a huge budget at my disposal, so I'm
> > looking for some best value-for-money options.)
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ben.

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