
> As part of my Ph.D. research, I am building DS-Lite topology with the help of 
> VPP hopefully.

What's your research about?

> My DS-Lite topology in a nutshell (as every normal ds-lite) consists of 4 
> machines: -
> ·       Sender: IPv4 only machine, sends traffic to the receiver, the traffic 
> passes at first through B4 router.
> ·       B4 router: receive IPv4 packet, performs encapsulation, then sends it 
> as IP4 in IPv6 datagram.
> ·       AFTR router: receive the encapsulated packets, decapsulate it and 
> forward the IPv4 packet to the internal NAT interface, where NAT44 function 
> to be performed before forwarding the IPv4 packet to the receiver.
> ·       Receiver: normal IPv4 only machine.
>  So, the idea to be able to ping (ICMP v4) from Sender to receiver  while 
> having IPv6 infrastructure in the middle
> I have attached a picture of my topology.
> VPP software is supposed to be installed on B4 & AFTR routers, which I did.
> Note: Normally B4 & AFTR routers are not directly connected, this is just for 
> testing purposes.
> All interfaces are configured through “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/” folder
> I have configured the tunnel endpoints on both sides (B4 and AFTR) with 
> commands below: -
> In B4, I added the following: -
> [root@B4 ~]#vppctl
> vpp# dslite set b4-tunnel-endpoint-address 2001:db8:0:1::2
> vpp# show dslite b4-tunnel-endpoint-address
> 2001:db8:0:1::2

You also need to configure the aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address on the B4.
dslite set aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address 2001:db8:0:1::1

> In AFTR, I added the followings: -
> [root@AFTR ~]#vppctl
> vpp# dslite set aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address 2001:db8:0:1::1
> vpp# show dslite aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address
>    2001:db8:0:1::1
> vpp# dslite add pool address -
> vpp# show dslite pool
> DS-Lite pool:
> vpp#
> I am not sure about the “pool” configuration, but this is how I thought it 
> should be configured.

The pool address range is for the NAT44 part of DSlite. Looks like you are 
overlapping the pool with the receiver's eth1 interface address.
Don't do that. E.g. just set pool to a single address initially.

> The thing is, I read the documentation here: -
> However, I am still missing something because the below command shows no 
> output: -
> vpp# show dslite sessions
> “startup.conf” file is also attached, it is the same for both B4 & AFTR 
> machines.

they should not be equal.
Remove dslite { ce } from the AFTR side.

> Do I need to add API stuff in  “startup.conf” ?
> To be more honest, I looked at this API config example Below: -
> define dslite_add_del_pool_addr_range {
>  u32 client_index;
>  u32 context;
>  u8 start_addr[4];
>  u8 end_addr[4];
>  u8 is_add;
> };

The API is for programming. There are bindings in different languages. Python, 
C, Go, etc.
You don't need to use that for this feature for this simple setup.


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