*System call is nondeterministic, so why we call it from main, *

*But alternate solution can be disscus. Let me know what exactly you need
to think of vpp can be modified. *

On Fri, 1 Oct, 2021, 9:22 pm Prashant Upadhyaya, <praupadhy...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Wanted to find out if it is safe to call a shell script like
> system("foo.ksh") in VPP from the main thread, say, periodically. The
> foo.ksh does some simple operations and does not block for a long
> time.
> Reason I ask is that I have noticed that the fastpath seems to stop
> working once I do the above. Before I dig further, wanted to check if
> something is already known around this.
> Regards
> -Prashant
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