Sorry for spamming, anyway, I found the problem. I was sending wrong response structure causing the problem. We supposed to use, *vapi_msg_acl_add_replace_reply* *resp; *vapi_payload_acl_add_replace_reply* *resp; Its working fine. Just incase some one wants to use above example, providing working one below. printf ("--- Basic acl addition- reply test ---\n"); vapi_msg_acl_add_replace *acl= vapi_alloc_acl_add_replace(ctx, 1); if(acl==NULL) { printf("ACL retuns NULL %d\n",__LINE__); exit(1); } acl->payload.acl_index=-1; strncpy((char *)acl->payload.tag,"CheckIsWorking",12); acl->payload.count=1; vapi_type_prefix src_addr,dst_addr; acl->payload.r[0].is_permit=1;; src_addr.len=24;//prefix len inet_aton("",(struct in_addr *)&(src_addr.address.un.ip4));; dst_addr.len=24;//prefix len inet_aton("",(struct in_addr *)&(dst_addr.address.un.ip4)); acl->payload.r[0].src_prefix=src_addr; acl->payload.r[0].dst_prefix=dst_addr; vapi_msg_acl_add_replace_hton(acl); rv = vapi_send (ctx, acl); if(rv!=VAPI_OK) { printf("vapi_Send %d\n",__LINE__); exit(1);
} vapi_msg_acl_add_replace_reply *resp; size_t size; rv = vapi_recv (ctx, (void *) &resp, &size, 0, 0); if(rv!=VAPI_OK) { printf("vapi_Send %d\n",__LINE__); exit(1); } vapi_msg_acl_add_replace_reply_ntoh(resp); printf("So the reply receivied ACL Index %d Retval %d\n",resp->payload.acl_index,resp->payload.retval); vapi_msg_free (ctx, resp);
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