
We have a user mode DPDK or non-DPDK application that needs to receive and 
transmit packet from/to VPP. We plan use memif interface in VPP and use memif 
in the application.
Could you provide some guidelines on which mode (master or slave) the memif 
interface needs to be created in VPP and in the application?
We would like to achieve 0 memory copy in both direction.

<------------------------ VPP ------------------------------->                  
                       < my-user-mode-application/DPDK app>

NIC----> VPP DPDK rx-poll-----------> My-VPP_plugin----->memif 
interface------------>rx packet without packet copy, in the same rx buffer from 
NIC<---- VPP DPDK rx-poll<----------- My-VPP_plugin<-----memif 
interface<------------tx packet without packet copy, in the same tx buffer to 

DPDK memif PMD supports 0 copy in slave mode. Does it mean VPP needs to be in 
memif-master? Will it achieve the 0 copy all the to and from the NIC?
I read that VPP does not use DPDK memif PMD and has it own memif 
implementation. If a packet is copied from memif shared memory buffer to NIC 
memory pool buffer does it occur it the memif rx or later when the packet is 
forwarded on another interface?

Any advice or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!
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