Thanks for the feedback Florin.  I'll make sure the sessions are
preallocated and the reason for doing the connect() on the main thread
makes perfect sense.  I was just trying to keep the data path completely
off the main thread so it could be reserved for background tasks. I am not
seeing any performance issues at present but I wanted the design to be able
to scale up without any bottlenecks. Looks like the main thread could
eventually be a bottleneck but is ok for now.

I'll take a look at session_mq_connect_handler().

Much appreciated,

On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 11:23 AM Florin Coras <> wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> First of all, thanks for sharing the details of the project. The scale
> you're looking, at least in terms of total number of active sessions should
> be relatively easily achievable with the right hardware. In case you
> haven’t done it yet, I’ll only recommend that you preallocate the number of
> sessions and connections to the maximum you’re expecting at startup (see
> startup.conf session and tcp stanzas), to avoid pool reallocation delays.
> Regarding the active opens, i.e, the connects, those are done from main
> thread because for half-opens we do not know in advance the thread they
> will end up on and migrating sessions and tcp connections between threads
> would require locks and rpcs. So, instead, we wait for peer’s syn-ack to
> discover the thread selected by RSS for the flow and only allocate the
> established connection and session at that point. In contrast, for passive
> opens, i.e., accepts, the syn is received on the right thread so there’s no
> need for extra work.
> If you do something similar to what session_mq_connect_handler does, you
> can rpc from your workers the main thread and in theory even get some
> coalescing benefits as the connect requests accumulate in a queue. Did you
> try that and hit performance limitations?
> Regards,
> Florin
> > On Feb 5, 2021, at 6:14 AM, Bill Vaughan <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a need to call vnet_connect() from worker threads but the stack
> requires it to be called from the main thread.  For some context, the
> project I am working on includes a TCP PEP (Performance Enhancing Proxy). A
> PEP can speed up TCP connections over high latency paths, such as
> satellites.  The PEP terminates the connection near the client, transports
> the data over the high latency path using a proprietary protocol, then
> reestablishes the TCP connection to the server on the other end. This
> greatly increases TCP ramp-up over high RTTs.  My VPP application runs on
> both sides of the high latency path (ie: client and server model).
> >
> > The PEP is designed to process tens of thousands of simultaneous TCP
> connections at a rate of many 100 per second.  So to achieve this I wanted
> to distribute the TCP flows across several workers but keep each individual
> flow on the same worker.  Currently I have to context switch to the main
> thread to perform the connect, but all other operations can be performed
> within the worker context (accept(), svm fifo read/write).
> >
> > I went down the path to try to enable vnet_connect() on workers but
> there are asserts() at several places in this path.
> >
> > Any insight or work-around for this would be appreciated.  I am using
> VPP 2009.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Bill
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
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