Most of the current rules have been there for a couple of years, so based on the number of Jenkins/restarts over that period of time I would think that they are persistent.

I haven't tested these rules on the sandbox, so I'm not sure if they work there.  I chose instead to create [2] for verification purposes.

Nevertheless, I completely agree that the process you describe is much better than the existing one.


On 2/3/2021 11:48 AM, Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECH SRO at Cisco) wrote:

> The rules are managed via [1].

Does that mean the rules are guaranteed to survive

any sudden Jenkins upgrade (needed for security reasons)?

I will feel safer if we had a copy of the database in ci-management.

That way, if I contribute a new rule,

you can manually apply it when merging the change

(maybe even apply and test on Sandbox before merging).


*From:* <> *On Behalf Of *Dave Wallace
*Sent:* Wednesday, 2021-February-03 17:32
*To:* Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECH SRO at Cisco) <>
*Cc:* vpp-dev <>
*Subject:* Re: [vpp-dev] Jenkins/Gerrit Failure Cause Notifications


The rules are managed via [1].  Vanessa gave me permission to create/edit these rules which appear to be applied universally to all projects.  Let me know if there are any rules you would like me to add.

I agree that JCASC would be the ideal means of managing the rules, but as you noted is not currently available.


On 2/3/2021 5:06 AM, Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECH SRO at Cisco) wrote:


        new rules to the VPP Failure Cause Management database [0]

    How do we manage the rules?

    I think the database is different from usual plugin configuration,

    so "Jenkins configuration as code" plugin will not help directly [5].

    But I think we can manage the exported database manually in ci-management.



    -----Original Message-----  <>  <>  
<>  On Behalf Of Benoit Ganne (bganne) via

    Sent: Wednesday, 2021-February-03 09:21

    To: Dave Wallace<>  <>; 
vpp-dev<>  <>

    Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Jenkins/Gerrit Failure Cause Notifications

    Very nice!

    Do you also get statistics per failure cause?



        -----Original Message-----  <>  <> 
 <>  On Behalf Of Dave Wallace

        Sent: mercredi 3 février 2021 02:28

        To: vpp-dev<>  <>

        Subject: [vpp-dev] Jenkins/Gerrit Failure Cause Notifications


        Per a request by Dave Barach in the VPP Monthly Community Meeting, I

        have added new rules to the VPP Failure Cause Management database [0] of

        the Jenkins Build Analyzer plugin [1] to provide notifications in

        gerrit/jenkins of build failure indications.  The rules are applied to

        the log of each Jenkins job which fails to identify the failure cause in

        the build log.

        You can preview the notifications in the gerrit change [2] which I have

        been using to verify that the rules work correctly.  You will see the

        description of the build failure cause listed on the Gerrit notification

        status line.  The jenkins job status page will contain links in the

        "Identified problems" section of the page for each rule.

        Please note that in there is an issue with the reporting of multiple

        instances of same failure contained in a build log (or maybe that is a

        non-feature of the plugin).  Presently only the 1st failure is listed in

        the indications list on the jenkins build status page.  In particular,

        in the case of multiple 'make test' testcase failures [3], you will need

        to search the log for any additional failures beyond one linked to in

        the 'Indication 1' link [4].

        I will continue to monitor job failures for viable failure signatures

        that I can add to the .  If you find a failure that you think is a good

        candidate, then please directly email me the URL to the jenkins job

        build status page along with the string to search for in the log and I

        will add a new rule for it.









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  • ... Dave Wallace
    • ... Dave Barach
      • ... Florin Coras
    • ... Benoit Ganne (bganne) via
      • ... Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) via
        • ... Dave Wallace
          • ... Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) via
            • ... Dave Wallace
      • ... Dave Wallace

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