
Make existing code support configurable UDP port.
Either per system (if so put it in the _main_t structure. Or per tunnel 
(vxlan_gbp_tunnel_t) or per <whatever> makes sense.

Best regards,

> On 25 Nov 2020, at 20:45, Artem Glazychev <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I want to discuss the enhancement of VxLAN.
> As we know VxLAN supports only 4789 udp-port (IANA standard).
> What if we expand on the current implementation and let the user choose the 
> port he wants to?
> I have some thoughts on this.
> 1. Add an additional nodes in existing feature if possible.
> Ex.: 
> [vxlan4-encap] -> [new_node_out] -> ... -> [new_node_in] -> [vxlan4-input]
> In new_node_out: 4789 -> USR_PORT. In new_node_in USR_PORT -> 4789 
> Comment: it seems bad. Because there is [ip4-rewrite] node and two udp-ports 
> for one tunnel will be open (default and user’s). 
> 2. Make changes directly to existing code. 
> There will be something like:
>     If USR_PORT {
>         udp_register_dst_port (USR_PORT)
>     } else {
>         udp_register_dst_port (4789)
>     }
> Comment: there are places in the code that rely only on the default port 
> constant.
> For 1-2 opts CLI would be something like:
> vpp# create vxlan tunnel src dst vni 1 src_port 1111 dst_port 
> 2222
> If src_port is not defined, default_port (4789) will be used.
> 3. Create a separate plugin. Seems it will be very similar to 1, but with a 
> separate API.
> I would be glad to know your thoughts on this matter.
> Thanks! 

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