Hi Florin,
It's not only regarding compiled with the same glibc version, but running with the same glibc version also because libpthread is dynamically linked into VCL and VPP.
This is really a big limitation.
On 3/23/2020 23:31,Florin Coras<fcoras.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Hanlin,Unfortunately, you’ll have to make sure all code has been compiled with the same glibc version. I’ve heard that glibc changed in ubuntu 20.04 but I haven’t done any testing with it yet.Note that the binary api also makes use of svm_queue_t.Regards,FlorinOn Mar 22, 2020, at 10:49 PM, wanghanlin <wanghan...@corp.netease.com> wrote:Hi All,Now, VCL app and VPP shared some data structures, such as svm_queue_t. In svm_queue_t, there are mutex and condvar variables that depends on specified glibc version.When VPP run in host and VCL app run in a docker container, glibc versions maybe different between VPP and VCL app, and then result in memory access error for different size of mutex and condvar.Has anyone noticed this?Regards,Hanlin
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