What about trying to swap NIC and/or cable? 

> On 18 Oct 2019, at 16:05, Chuan Han <chuan...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi, Damjan,
> It seems the bug is in vpp.
> On R230, vpp shows eth0 is down.
> vpp# sh hardware-interfaces eth0
>               Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
> eth0                               2    down  eth0
>   Link speed: unknown
>   Ethernet address b4:96:91:23:1e:d6
>   Intel 82599
>     carrier down
>     flags: admin-up promisc pmd rx-ip4-cksum
>     rx: queues 2 (max 128), desc 512 (min 32 max 4096 align 8)
>     tx: queues 3 (max 64), desc 512 (min 32 max 4096 align 8)
>     pci: device 8086:154d subsystem 8086:7b11 address 0000:06:00.01 numa 0
>     max rx packet len: 15872
>     promiscuous: unicast on all-multicast on
>     vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
>     rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum tcp-lro
>                        macsec-strip vlan-filter vlan-extend jumbo-frame 
> scatter
>                        security keep-crc
>     rx offload active: ipv4-cksum
>     tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum sctp-cksum
>                        tcp-tso macsec-insert multi-segs security
>     tx offload active: none
>     rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4 ipv6-tcp-ex ipv6-udp-ex ipv6-tcp
>                        ipv6-udp ipv6-ex ipv6
>     rss active:        none
>     tx burst function: (nil)
>     rx burst function: ixgbe_recv_pkts_vec
>     extended stats:
>       mac local errors                                   318
> vpp#
> However, the testpmd tool shows it is up.
> testpmd> show port summary 1
> Number of available ports: 2
> Port MAC Address       Name         Driver         Status   Link
> 1    B4:96:91:23:1E:D6 0000:06:00.1 net_ixgbe      up       10000Mbps
> testpmd> 
> Does this prove something wrong on vpp side?
> Thanks.
> Chuan
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 3:06 PM Chuan Han <chuan...@google.com> wrote:
>> I built testpmd binary on both r740 and r230, and ran the test. I did see 
>> testpmd reports some link status change on r230 server. testpmd report on 
>> r740 is stabler. no status change reported.  
>> r230 log
>> ================================
>> Press enter to exit
>> Port 0: link state change event
>> Port 1: link state change event
>> Port 1: link state change event
>> r740 log
>> ================================
>> Press enter to exitx0 - TX RS bit threshold=32
>> If it is a dpdk bug, what shall I do? Report to dpdk mailing list?
>> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 11:55 AM Chuan Han via Lists.Fd.Io 
>> <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>> So, it is a dpdk bug?
>>> I am new to dpdk/vpp. 
>>> How do I run dpdk testpmd? Shall I install dpdk separately on the r230 
>>> server? Are there any steps to follow? 
>>> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 10:30 AM Damjan Marion <dmar...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> In this case we are purely relying on link state provided by DPDK.
>>>> Have you tried to check if same problem exists with DPDK testpmd app?
>>>>> On 18 Oct 2019, at 10:26, Chuan Han via Lists.Fd.Io 
>>>>> <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>>>> I cleaned up startup config a bit. I can still see eth0 down. 
>>>>> See attachment for config file and log. There are some errors in log, but 
>>>>> I am not sure they are worrisome or not. 
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 5:22 PM Florin Coras <fcoras.li...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> This looks like a DPDK issue, but I’ll let Damjan be the judge of that. 
>>>>>> To see if this is a config issues, could you simplify your startup 
>>>>>> config by
>>>>>> - removing “workers 0” from the two nics and adding “num-rx-queues 2” to 
>>>>>> the nics or to the default stanza, if you’re running with 2 workers
>>>>>> - comment out the cryptodev config 
>>>>>> If the two nics don’t come up, check if there’s any obvious dpdk error 
>>>>>> in “show log”.
>>>>>> Florin 
>>>>>>> On Oct 17, 2019, at 4:56 PM, Chuan Han via Lists.Fd.Io 
>>>>>>> <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>>>>>> I tried disabling autoneg on R740 side. It is not allowed too. If vpp 
>>>>>>> cannot allow two nics to be successfully added to the same vpp 
>>>>>>> instance, it seems to be a bug. Is it something which can be easily 
>>>>>>> spotted in the code base? 
>>>>>>> It is also not possible to enforce symmetricity on internet. The other 
>>>>>>> party can do anything as long as basic ping works. 
>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:55 PM Chuan Han <chuan...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If I only put one phy nic, i.e., eth0, to vpp, 'sh hardware' shows it 
>>>>>>>> is up. If I put both eth0 and eth1 in vpp, eth0 is always down. It 
>>>>>>>> seems something is wrong with the nic or vpp does not support this 
>>>>>>>> type of hardware? 
>>>>>>>> We tried enabling autoneg on R230. It is not allowed. To avoid 
>>>>>>>> asymmetric settings, disabling autoneg on R740 will help? 
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:46 PM Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv) 
>>>>>>>> <bala...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> It plays a role if it is asymmetric at both ends. You could enable it 
>>>>>>>>> at both ends and check. 
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 17, 2019, at 3:15 PM, Chuan Han <chuan...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I rebooted the r230 machine and found the phy nic corresponding to 
>>>>>>>>>> eth has autoneg off. 
>>>>>>>>>> root@esdn-relay:~/gnxi/perf_testing/r230# ethtool enp6s0f1
>>>>>>>>>> Settings for enp6s0f1:
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported ports: [ FIBRE ]
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported link modes:   10000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported pause frame use: Symmetric
>>>>>>>>>>         Supports auto-negotiation: No
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported FEC modes: Not reported
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised link modes:  10000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised auto-negotiation: No
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
>>>>>>>>>>         Speed: 10000Mb/s
>>>>>>>>>>         Duplex: Full
>>>>>>>>>>         Port: Direct Attach Copper
>>>>>>>>>>         PHYAD: 0
>>>>>>>>>>         Transceiver: internal
>>>>>>>>>>         Auto-negotiation: off
>>>>>>>>>>         Supports Wake-on: d
>>>>>>>>>>         Wake-on: d
>>>>>>>>>>         Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
>>>>>>>>>>                                drv probe link
>>>>>>>>>>         Link detected: yes
>>>>>>>>>> root@esdn-relay:~/gnxi/perf_testing/r230# 
>>>>>>>>>> On r740, autoneg is on. It is copper. 
>>>>>>>>>> root@esdn-lab:~/gnxi/perf_testing/r740/vpp# ethtool eno3
>>>>>>>>>> Settings for eno3:
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported ports: [ TP ]
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported link modes:   100baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>                                 1000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>                                 10000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported pause frame use: Symmetric
>>>>>>>>>>         Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
>>>>>>>>>>         Supported FEC modes: Not reported
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised link modes:  100baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>                                 1000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>                                 10000baseT/Full 
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
>>>>>>>>>>         Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
>>>>>>>>>>         Speed: 10000Mb/s
>>>>>>>>>>         Duplex: Full
>>>>>>>>>>         Port: Twisted Pair
>>>>>>>>>>         PHYAD: 0
>>>>>>>>>>         Transceiver: internal
>>>>>>>>>>         Auto-negotiation: on
>>>>>>>>>>         MDI-X: Unknown
>>>>>>>>>>         Supports Wake-on: umbg
>>>>>>>>>>         Wake-on: g
>>>>>>>>>>         Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
>>>>>>>>>>                                drv probe link
>>>>>>>>>>         Link detected: yes
>>>>>>>>>> root@esdn-lab:~/gnxi/perf_testing/r740/vpp# 
>>>>>>>>>> not clear if this plays a role or not. 
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 2:41 PM Chuan Han via Lists.Fd.Io 
>>>>>>>>>> <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Restarting ixia controller does not help. We ended up with both 
>>>>>>>>>>> ixia ports having '!'. 
>>>>>>>>>>> We are not sure how ixia port plays a role here. eth0 interfaces 
>>>>>>>>>>> are the interfaces connecting two servers, not to ixia. 
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 11:26 AM Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv) 
>>>>>>>>>>> <bala...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Chuan,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please try to reset the ixia controller connected to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> port 4?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have seen issues with ‘!’ on ixia. Given the carrier on eth0 is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> down, I suspect the ixia port.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Balaji. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Chuan Han <chuan...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 11:09 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv)" <bala...@cisco.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "vpp-dev@lists.fd.io" <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>, Arivudainambi 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Appachi gounder <aappa...@google.com>, Jerry Cen 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <zhiw...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Basic l2 bridging does not work
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes. It is unidirectional stream from port 1 to port 4.  
>>>>>>>>>>>> Another engineer, Nambi, configured ixia. What he showed me 
>>>>>>>>>>>> yesterday is that xia port connected to port 1 is green and good. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ixia port connected to port 4 is green but has a red exclamation 
>>>>>>>>>>>> mark, which means ping does not work. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> We also found eth0 on R230 is down shown by "show hardware eth0" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> command. However "show int" shows it is up.
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh hardware-interfaces eth0
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                               2    down  eth0
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Link speed: unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Ethernet address b4:96:91:23:1e:d6
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Intel 82599
>>>>>>>>>>>>     carrier down 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     flags: admin-up promisc pmd rx-ip4-cksum
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx: queues 1 (max 128), desc 512 (min 32 max 4096 align 8)
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tx: queues 3 (max 64), desc 512 (min 32 max 4096 align 8)
>>>>>>>>>>>>     pci: device 8086:154d subsystem 8086:7b11 address 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0000:06:00.01 numa 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>     max rx packet len: 15872
>>>>>>>>>>>>     promiscuous: unicast on all-multicast on
>>>>>>>>>>>>     vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum 
>>>>>>>>>>>> tcp-lro 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                        macsec-strip vlan-filter vlan-extend 
>>>>>>>>>>>> jumbo-frame scatter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                        security keep-crc 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx offload active: ipv4-cksum 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sctp-cksum 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                        tcp-tso macsec-insert multi-segs security 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tx offload active: none
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rss avail:         ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4 ipv6-tcp-ex 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipv6-udp-ex ipv6-tcp 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                        ipv6-udp ipv6-ex ipv6 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rss active:        none
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tx burst function: (nil)
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx burst function: ixgbe_recv_pkts_vec
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx frames ok                                       33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>     rx bytes ok                                      3960082
>>>>>>>>>>>>     extended stats:
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx good packets                                  33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx good bytes                                  3960082
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx q0packets                                     33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx q0bytes                                     3960082
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx size 65 to 127 packets                        33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx multicast packets                             33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx total packets                                 33278
>>>>>>>>>>>>       rx total bytes                                 3960082
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh int
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name               Idx    State  MTU 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count     
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 33279
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3960201
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                          5
>>>>>>>>>>>>  punt                           1
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                   33274
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 33274
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3959606
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx packets                 33273
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx bytes                 3959487
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                      33274
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                       3
>>>>>>>>>>>> local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0      
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# 
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 10:54 AM Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv) 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <bala...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Chuan,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I assume u have unidirectional stream ? ixia->1->2->3->4->ixia?
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh int
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name               Idx    State  MTU 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count     
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30925
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3680075
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                          5
>>>>>>>>>>>>  punt                           1
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                   30920 
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30920 <<< packets are received on port 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3679480
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx packets                 30919
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx bytes                 3679361
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                      30920 <<< all dropped at port 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                       3
>>>>>>>>>>>> local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0      
>>>>>>>>>>>> On sh error logs on R 230 we see
>>>>>>>>>>>>          1             ethernet-input             l3 mac mismatch 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>          3               eth1-output              interface is down
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30922               eth0-output              interface is down
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do u see the arp getting resolved on ixia? The mac on ixia at port 
>>>>>>>>>>>> with should be seen on its other port. Are the ixia 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ports up at both ends?
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Balaji. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> on behalf of "Chuan Han via 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lists.Fd.Io" <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "chuan...@google.com" <chuan...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 9:59 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv)" <bala...@cisco.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "vpp-dev@lists.fd.io" <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Basic l2 bridging does not work
>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems R740 vpp works fine. All packets coming from port 1 go to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> port 2. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh int
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name               Idx    State  MTU 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count     
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx packets                 30895
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx bytes                 3676505
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30895
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3676505
>>>>>>>>>>>> local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0      
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh int
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name               Idx    State  MTU 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count     
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx packets                 30897
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx bytes                 3676743
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30897
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3676743
>>>>>>>>>>>> local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0      
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh error
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Count                    Node                  Reason
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30899                l2-output               L2 output packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30899                l2-learn                L2 learn packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>          1                l2-learn                L2 learn misses
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30899                l2-input                L2 input packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30899                l2-flood                L2 flood packets
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# 
>>>>>>>>>>>> The drop happened on R230 vpp. Port 3 dropped all pkts complaining 
>>>>>>>>>>>> about down interface. However, show command shows interfaces are 
>>>>>>>>>>>> up. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh int
>>>>>>>>>>>>               Name               Idx    State  MTU 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count     
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30925
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3680075
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                          5
>>>>>>>>>>>>  punt                           1
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                   30920
>>>>>>>>>>>> eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0    
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx packets                 30920
>>>>>>>>>>>>  rx bytes                 3679480
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx packets                 30919
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx bytes                 3679361
>>>>>>>>>>>>  drops                      30920
>>>>>>>>>>>>  tx-error                       3
>>>>>>>>>>>> local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0      
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh error
>>>>>>>>>>>>    Count                    Node                  Reason
>>>>>>>>>>>>          2                llc-input               unknown llc 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ssap/dsap
>>>>>>>>>>>>      61846                l2-output               L2 output packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>      61846                l2-learn                L2 learn packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>          2                l2-learn                L2 learn misses
>>>>>>>>>>>>      61846                l2-input                L2 input packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>      61846                l2-flood                L2 flood packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>          1             ethernet-input             l3 mac mismatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>          3               eth1-output              interface is down
>>>>>>>>>>>>      30922               eth0-output              interface is down
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure how to check mac issues. Can you explain a bit more? Here 
>>>>>>>>>>>> is what I can see on R230 vpp. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# show bridge-domain 1 detail
>>>>>>>>>>>>   BD-ID   Index   BSN  Age(min)  Learning  U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   
>>>>>>>>>>>> Flooding  ARP-Term  arp-ufwd   BVI-Intf 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     1       1      0     off        on        on       flood       
>>>>>>>>>>>>  on       off       off        N/A    
>>>>>>>>>>>>            Interface           If-idx ISN  SHG  BVI  TxFlood       
>>>>>>>>>>>>  VLAN-Tag-Rewrite       
>>>>>>>>>>>>              eth0                2     1    0    -      *          
>>>>>>>>>>>>        none             
>>>>>>>>>>>>              eth1                1     1    0    -      *          
>>>>>>>>>>>>        none             
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# sh l2fib verbose           
>>>>>>>>>>>>     Mac-Address     BD-Idx If-Idx BSN-ISN Age(min) static filter 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bvi         Interface-Name        
>>>>>>>>>>>>  28:99:3a:f4:3a:a6    1      2      0/1      -       -      -     
>>>>>>>>>>>> -               eth0             
>>>>>>>>>>>>  28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c    1      1      0/1      -       -      -     
>>>>>>>>>>>> -               eth1             
>>>>>>>>>>>> L2FIB total/learned entries: 2/2  Last scan time: 0.0000e0sec  
>>>>>>>>>>>> Learn limit: 4194304 
>>>>>>>>>>>> vpp# 
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 6:01 PM Balaji Venkatraman (balajiv) 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <bala...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                                                                  
>>>>>>>>>>>>        |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                                                                  
>>>>>>>>>>>>        |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                                   IXIA                           
>>>>>>>>>>>>        |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                                                                  
>>>>>>>>>>>>        |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                                                                  
>>>>>>>>>>>>        |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +-----------------------------------------------------------^-------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>             |                                  
>>>>>>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>             |                                               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>             |                                               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>             |eth0                                           | eth0
>>>>>>>>>>>> +-----------v-------------+                    
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+-----------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |           1             |                    |            4      
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |eth1          eth1  |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |        VPP1           2 +--------------------> 3        VPP 2    
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |                         |                    |                   
>>>>>>>>>>>>      |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +-------------------------+                    
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>          R 740                                           R 230
>>>>>>>>>>>> Might help if you could check if the packet counts at ingress 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (port 1) & egress (port 2) match. Similarly 3 & 4. And the mac 
>>>>>>>>>>>> entries seen on both vpp(s). ARP req/rep tracing might also help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> /-
>>>>>>>>>>>> Balaji
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> on behalf of "Damjan Marion via 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lists.Fd.Io" <dmarion=me....@lists.fd.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "dmar...@me.com" <dmar...@me.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 5:12 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "chuan...@google.com" <chuan...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "vpp-dev@lists.fd.io" <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Basic l2 bridging does not work
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 Oct 2019, at 16:14, Chuan Han via Lists.Fd.Io 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <chuanhan=google....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, vpp experts, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> We are trying to make basic l2 bridge works within vpp. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> We have two servers: r230 and r740, each of which has two phy 
>>>>>>>>>>>> nics. Two servers are connected via cable. On each server, we 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bring these two nics into the same vpp instance and put them into 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the same l2 bridge. We tried sending traffic using ixia. However, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ixia shows ping does not work. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I attached the topology, vpp conf files, startup conf file, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> logs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please advise where we could make it wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chuan
>>>>>>>>>>>> <r230 vpp.conf><r740 vpp.conf><r230 vpp startup.cfg><r740 vpp 
>>>>>>>>>>>> startup.cfg><r740.log><r230.log><vpp testbed - 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bridge.pdf>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/14189
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Group Owner: vpp-dev+ow...@lists.fd.io
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unsubscribe: https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/unsub  [dmar...@me.com]
>>>>>>>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>>>>>>>>>> On the 1st look everything look ok including the packet trace.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you try to clear counters* and enable packet trace on both 
>>>>>>>>>>>> instances.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Then send known number of packets and find put where drop happens 
>>>>>>>>>>>> by looking into same outputs you already shared.....
>>>>>>>>>>>> * "clear int", "clear run", "clear trace"
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Damjan
>>>>>>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>>>>>>>>>>> [chuan...@google.com]
>>>>>>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>>>>>>> [fcoras.li...@gmail.com]
>>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>>> <log><vpp startup.conf>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>> -- 
>>>> Damjan
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