Hi, vpp experts,

We are trying to make basic l2 bridge works within vpp.

We have two servers: r230 and r740, each of which has two phy nics. Two
servers are connected via cable. On each server, we bring these two nics
into the same vpp instance and put them into the same l2 bridge. We tried
sending traffic using ixia. However, ixia shows ping does not work.

I attached the topology, vpp conf files, startup conf file, and logs.

Please advise where we could make it wrong.


Attachment: r230 vpp.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: r740 vpp.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: r230 vpp startup.cfg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: r740 vpp startup.cfg
Description: Binary data

vpp# sh int                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
              Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count                                                                                                                                                                                                             
eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                   624                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    rx bytes                   73430                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx packets                    10                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx bytes                    1190                                                                                                                                                                                                        
eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                    10                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    rx bytes                    1190                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx packets                   624                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx bytes                   73430                                                                                                                                                                                                        
local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
vpp# sh error                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
   Count                    Node                  Reason                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
       636                l2-output               L2 output packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       636                l2-learn                L2 learn packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
         3                l2-learn                L2 learn misses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
       636                l2-input                L2 input packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
       636                l2-flood                L2 flood packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
vpp# sh trace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
------------------- Start of thread 0 vpp_main -------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
No packets in trace buffer
------------------- Start of thread 1 vpp_wk_0 -------------------
Packet 1

00:07:44:651963: dpdk-input
  eth0 rx queue 0
  buffer 0x989ea: current data 0, length 119, buffer-pool 0, ref-count 1, totlen-nifb 0, trace handle 0x1000000
                  l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct
  PKT MBUF: port 1, nb_segs 1, pkt_len 119
    buf_len 2176, data_len 119, ol_flags 0x180, data_off 128, phys_addr 0xb5e27b00
    packet_type 0x1 l2_len 0 l3_len 0 outer_l2_len 0 outer_l3_len 0
    rss 0x0 fdir.hi 0x0 fdir.lo 0x0
    Packet Offload Flags
      PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0080) IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid
      PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0100) L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid
    Packet Types
      RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER (0x0001) Ethernet packet
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:07:44:651974: ethernet-input
  frame: flags 0x3, hw-if-index 2, sw-if-index 2
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:07:44:651975: l2-input
  l2-input: sw_if_index 2 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c
00:07:44:651976: l2-learn
  l2-learn: sw_if_index 2 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c bd_index 1
00:07:44:651977: l2-flood
  l2-flood: sw_if_index 2 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c bd_index 1
00:07:44:651978: l2-output
  l2-output: sw_if_index 1 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c data 00 69 42 42 03 00 00 03 02 7e 80 00
00:07:44:651978: eth1-output
  eth1 l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct l2_hdr_offset_valid l3_hdr_offset_valid
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:07:44:651979: eth1-tx
  eth1 tx queue 1
  buffer 0x989ea: current data 0, length 119, buffer-pool 0, ref-count 1, totlen-nifb 0, trace handle 0x1000000
                  l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct l2-hdr-offset 0 l3-hdr-offset 14
  PKT MBUF: port 1, nb_segs 1, pkt_len 119
    buf_len 2176, data_len 119, ol_flags 0x180, data_off 128, phys_addr 0xb5e27b00
    packet_type 0x1 l2_len 0 l3_len 0 outer_l2_len 0 outer_l3_len 0
    rss 0x0 fdir.hi 0x0 fdir.lo 0x0
    Packet Offload Flags
      PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0080) IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid
      PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0100) L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid
    Packet Types
      RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER (0x0001) Ethernet packet
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00

vpp# sh run                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Thread 0 vpp_main (lcore 2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Time 1467.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call                                                                                                                                                                                    
acl-plugin-fa-cleaner-process  event wait                0               0               1          7.98e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
admin-up-down-process          event wait                0               0               1          2.77e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
api-rx-from-ring                any wait                 0               0              76          3.42e4            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
avf-process                    event wait                0               0               1          7.60e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
bfd-process                    event wait                0               0               1          8.05e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
bond-process                   event wait                0               0               1          1.87e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
dhcp-client-process             any wait                 0               0              15          6.25e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
dhcp6-client-cp-process         any wait                 0               0               1          1.18e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
dhcp6-pd-client-cp-process      any wait                 0               0               1          1.51e3            0.00                                                                                                                                                                                  
dhcp6-pd-reply-publisher-proce event wait                0               0               1          1.50e3            0.00
dhcp6-reply-publisher-process  event wait                0               0               1          2.63e3            0.00
dpdk-ipsec-process                done                   1               0               0          1.75e7            0.00
dpdk-process                    any wait                 0               0             490          6.32e5            0.00
fib-walk                        any wait                 0               0             734          3.51e3            0.00
flow-report-process             any wait                 0               0               1          1.94e3            0.00
flowprobe-timer-process         any wait                 0               0               1          6.66e3            0.00
gbp-scanner                    event wait                0               0               1          6.33e3            0.00
igmp-timer-process             event wait                0               0               1          6.88e3            0.00
ikev2-manager-process           any wait                 0               0            1467          3.52e3            0.00
ioam-export-process             any wait                 0               0               1          2.13e3            0.00
ip-neighbor-scan-process        any wait                 0               0              25          3.92e3            0.00
ip-route-resolver-process       any wait                 0               0              15          4.81e3            0.00
ip4-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0             147          2.99e3            0.00
ip6-icmp-neighbor-discovery-ev  any wait                 0               0            1467          3.09e3            0.00
ip6-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0             147          2.18e3            0.00
l2fib-mac-age-scanner-process  event wait                0               0               2          2.20e3            0.00
lldp-process                   event wait                0               0               1          3.64e6            0.00
memif-process                  event wait                0               0               1          8.21e3            0.00
nat-det-expire-walk               done                   1               0               0          2.92e3            0.00
nat-ha-process                 event wait                0               0               1          8.37e3            0.00
nat64-expire-walk              event wait                0               0               1          4.78e3            0.00
nsh-md2-ioam-export-process     any wait                 0               0               1          1.28e4            0.00
perfmon-periodic-process       event wait                0               0               1          3.31e6            0.00
rd-cp-process                   any wait                 0               0               1          1.21e3            0.00
send-dhcp6-client-message-proc  any wait                 0               0               1          1.22e3            0.00
send-dhcp6-pd-client-message-p  any wait                 0               0               1          1.19e3            0.00
send-rs-process                 any wait                 0               0               1          1.19e3            0.00
startup-config-process            done                   1               0               1          8.23e8            0.00
statseg-collector-process       time wait                0               0             147          1.59e4            0.00
udp-ping-process                any wait                 0               0               1          8.77e3            0.00
unix-cli-         active                  0               0             226          1.07e7            0.00
unix-cli-new-session           event wait                0               0               5          4.71e8            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          19019035               0               0          2.07e5            0.00
vhost-user-process              any wait                 0               0               1          3.17e3            0.00
vhost-user-send-interrupt-proc  any wait                 0               0               1          1.41e3            0.00
vpe-link-state-process         event wait                0               0               3          2.24e3            0.00
vxlan-gpe-ioam-export-process   any wait                 0               0               1          3.05e3            0.00
wildcard-ip4-arp-publisher-pro event wait                0               0               1          1.97e3            0.00
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 4)
Time 1467.3, average vectors/node 1.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 5.0569e-1, out 5.0569e-1, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       18650615981               0               0          5.86e1            0.00
dpdk-input                       polling       18650615981             742               0          2.33e9            0.00
eth0-output                      active                 10              10               0          6.93e2            1.00
eth0-tx                          active                 10              10               0          9.34e2            1.00
eth1-output                      active                732             732               0          2.84e2            1.00
eth1-tx                          active                732             732               0          2.86e2            1.00
ethernet-input                   active                742             742               0          6.05e2            1.00
l2-flood                         active                742             742               0          4.13e2            1.00
l2-input                         active                742             742               0          3.86e2            1.00
l2-learn                         active                742             742               0          5.06e2            1.00
l2-output                        active                742             742               0          4.05e2            1.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          18195732               0               0          1.16e3            0.00
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1 (lcore 6)
Time 1467.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       29557257969               0               0          5.75e1            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          28836357               0               0          1.15e3            0.00
Thread 3 vpp_wk_2 (lcore 8)
Time 1467.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       29611736317               0               0          5.75e1            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          28889506               0               0          1.15e3            0.00
Thread 4 vpp_wk_3 (lcore 10)
Time 1467.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       29624798951               0               0          5.75e1            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          28902252               0               0          1.14e3            0.00

vpp# sh int                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
              Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count                                                                                                                                                                                                             
eth0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                     3                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    rx bytes                     357                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx packets                   660                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx bytes                   77714                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    drops                          2                                                                                                                                                                                                        
eth1                              1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                   660                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    rx bytes                   77714                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx packets                     1                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx bytes                     119                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                    tx-error                       1                                                                                                                                                                                                        
local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
vpp# sh error                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
   Count                    Node                  Reason                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
         1                llc-input               unknown llc ssap/dsap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
       663                l2-output               L2 output packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       663                l2-learn                L2 learn packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
         3                l2-learn                L2 learn misses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
       663                l2-input                L2 input packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
       663                l2-flood                L2 flood packets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
         1               eth1-output              interface is down                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
vpp# sh trace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
------------------- Start of thread 0 vpp_main -------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
No packets in trace buffer
------------------- Start of thread 1 vpp_wk_0 -------------------
Packet 1

00:02:06:917332: dpdk-input
  eth1 rx queue 0
  buffer 0x96996: current data 0, length 119, buffer-pool 0, ref-count 1, totlen-nifb 0, trace handle 0x1000000
                  l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct
  PKT MBUF: port 0, nb_segs 1, pkt_len 119
    buf_len 2176, data_len 119, ol_flags 0x180, data_off 128, phys_addr 0xe01a6600
    packet_type 0x1 l2_len 0 l3_len 0 outer_l2_len 0 outer_l3_len 0
    rss 0x0 fdir.hi 0x0 fdir.lo 0x0
    Packet Offload Flags
      PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0080) IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid
      PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0100) L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid
    Packet Types
      RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER (0x0001) Ethernet packet
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:02:06:917337: ethernet-input
  frame: flags 0x3, hw-if-index 1, sw-if-index 1
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:02:06:917353: l2-input
  l2-input: sw_if_index 1 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c
00:02:06:917353: l2-learn
  l2-learn: sw_if_index 1 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c bd_index 1
00:02:06:917354: l2-flood
  l2-flood: sw_if_index 1 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c bd_index 1
00:02:06:917354: l2-output
  l2-output: sw_if_index 2 dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 src 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c data 00 69 42 42 03 00 00 03 02 7e 80 00
00:02:06:917355: eth0-output
  eth0 l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct l2_hdr_offset_valid l3_hdr_offset_valid
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00
00:02:06:917355: eth0-tx
  eth0 tx queue 1
  buffer 0x96996: current data 0, length 119, buffer-pool 0, ref-count 1, totlen-nifb 0, trace handle 0x1000000
                  l4-cksum-computed l4-cksum-correct l2-hdr-offset 0 l3-hdr-offset 14
  PKT MBUF: port 0, nb_segs 1, pkt_len 119
    buf_len 2176, data_len 119, ol_flags 0x180, data_off 128, phys_addr 0xe01a6600
    packet_type 0x1 l2_len 0 l3_len 0 outer_l2_len 0 outer_l3_len 0
    rss 0x0 fdir.hi 0x0 fdir.lo 0x0
    Packet Offload Flags
      PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0080) IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid
      PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD (0x0100) L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid
    Packet Types
      RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER (0x0001) Ethernet packet
  0x0069: 28:99:3a:f4:3a:9c -> 01:80:c2:00:00:00

vpp# sh run                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Thread 0 vpp_main (lcore 1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Time 1341.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
acl-plugin-fa-cleaner-process  event wait                0               0               1          7.21e3            0.00
admin-up-down-process          event wait                0               0               1          1.25e3            0.00
api-rx-from-ring                any wait                 0               0              69          3.88e4            0.00
avf-process                    event wait                0               0               1          7.36e3            0.00
bfd-process                    event wait                0               0               1          5.35e3            0.00
bond-process                   event wait                0               0               1          1.05e4            0.00
dhcp-client-process             any wait                 0               0              14          3.66e3            0.00
dhcp6-client-cp-process         any wait                 0               0               1          1.12e3            0.00
dhcp6-pd-client-cp-process      any wait                 0               0               1          8.86e2            0.00
dhcp6-pd-reply-publisher-proce event wait                0               0               1          1.31e3            0.00
dhcp6-reply-publisher-process  event wait                0               0               1          2.39e3            0.00
dpdk-ipsec-process                done                   1               0               0          3.76e7            0.00
dpdk-process                    any wait                 0               0             447          5.78e5            0.00
fib-walk                        any wait                 0               0             671          2.66e3            0.00
flow-report-process             any wait                 0               0               1          1.03e3            0.00
flowprobe-timer-process         any wait                 0               0               1          1.37e4            0.00
gbp-scanner                    event wait                0               0               1          1.78e4            0.00
igmp-timer-process             event wait                0               0               1          1.44e4            0.00
ikev2-manager-process           any wait                 0               0            1339          2.20e3            0.00
ioam-export-process             any wait                 0               0               1          4.24e3            0.00
ip-neighbor-scan-process        any wait                 0               0              23          3.66e3            0.00
ip-route-resolver-process       any wait                 0               0              14          3.12e3            0.00
ip4-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0             135          2.48e3            0.00
ip6-icmp-neighbor-discovery-ev  any wait                 0               0            1339          1.88e3            0.00
ip6-reassembly-expire-walk      any wait                 0               0             135          2.16e3            0.00
l2fib-mac-age-scanner-process  event wait                0               0               2          1.44e3            0.00
lldp-process                   event wait                0               0               1          1.88e6            0.00
memif-process                  event wait                0               0               1          2.90e4            0.00
nat-det-expire-walk               done                   1               0               0          6.69e3            0.00
nat-ha-process                 event wait                0               0               1          2.14e4            0.00
nat64-expire-walk              event wait                0               0               1          8.82e3            0.00
nsh-md2-ioam-export-process     any wait                 0               0               1          2.54e4            0.00
perfmon-periodic-process       event wait                0               0               1          1.62e7            0.00
rd-cp-process                   any wait                 0               0               1          9.74e2            0.00
send-dhcp6-client-message-proc  any wait                 0               0               1          8.80e2            0.00
send-dhcp6-pd-client-message-p  any wait                 0               0               1          9.74e2            0.00
send-rs-process                 any wait                 0               0               1          1.04e3            0.00
startup-config-process            done                   1               0               1          1.15e9            0.00
statseg-collector-process       time wait                0               0             135          1.23e4            0.00
udp-ping-process                any wait                 0               0               1          1.57e4            0.00
unix-cli-         active                  0               0             211          1.88e7            0.00
unix-cli-new-session           event wait                0               0               4          9.74e8            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          26104415               0               0          1.74e5            0.00
vhost-user-process              any wait                 0               0               1          2.83e3            0.00
vhost-user-send-interrupt-proc  any wait                 0               0               1          1.41e3            0.00
vpe-link-state-process         event wait                0               0               3          2.15e3            0.00
vxlan-gpe-ioam-export-process   any wait                 0               0               1          4.89e3            0.00
wildcard-ip4-arp-publisher-pro event wait                0               0               1          1.05e3            0.00
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 2)
Time 1341.3, average vectors/node 1.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 5.0994e-1, out 5.0844e-1, drop 1.4910e-3, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       19300726916               0               0          6.54e1            0.00
dpdk-input                       polling       19300726916             684               0          2.95e9            0.00
drop                             active                  2               2               0          6.67e3            1.00
error-drop                       active                  2               2               0          1.65e3            1.00
eth0-output                      active                681             681               0          6.66e2            1.00
eth0-tx                          active                681             681               0          7.72e2            1.00
eth1-output                      active                  2               2               0          5.31e3            1.00
eth1-tx                          active                  1               1               0          8.95e3            1.00
ethernet-input                   active                684             684               0          1.19e3            1.00
l2-flood                         active                683             683               0          8.19e2            1.00
l2-input                         active                683             683               0          5.92e2            1.00
l2-learn                         active                683             683               0          9.29e2            1.00
l2-output                        active                683             683               0          6.98e2            1.00
llc-input                        active                  1               1               0          2.51e3            1.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          18829987               0               0          1.55e3            0.00
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1 (lcore 3)
Time 1341.3, average vectors/node 0.00, last 128 main loops 0.00 per node 0.00
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 0.0000e0, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-crypto-input                polling       34396323796               0               0          6.62e1            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling          33557397               0               0          1.54e3            0.00

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