---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: L. Kumar <lalitfic...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019, 1:14 pm
Subject: Vpp SR policy support in classfier
To: <m...@lists.fd.io>

   Hi Team,
I just start learning the VPP and I want to use classifier for steering
rather than SR streer policy.

*Is classify session support SR policy in action part ?*

 I have  tried to used the following config:

classify table mask l3 ip6 dst
 classify session acl-hit-next 1 table-index 0 match l3 ip6 dst cc::01
action set-sr-policy-index 0
 classify session acl-hit-next 1 table-index 0 match l3 ip4 dst
action set-ip4-fib-id 0

packet trace:
01:08:47:949514: af-packet-input
  af_packet: hw_if_index 1 next-index 4
      status 0x1 len 118 snaplen 118 mac 66 net 80
      sec 0x5d1b0727 nsec 0xf43edf6 vlan 0 vlan_tpid 0
01:08:47:949563: ethernet-input
  IP6: ca:c5:9b:3f:17:48 -> 02:fe:9e:98:48:2e
01:08:47:949577: ip6-input
  ICMP6: aa::1 -> cc::1
    tos 0x00, flow label 0x22a6e, hop limit 64, payload length 64
  ICMP echo_request checksum 0x2ab3
01:08:47:949602: ip6-inacl
  INACL: sw_if_index 1, next_index 1, table 0, offset 1200
01:08:47:949615: ip6-lookup
  fib 0 dpo-idx 1 flow hash: 0x00000000 <0900000000>
  ICMP6: aa::1 -> cc::1
    tos 0x00, flow label 0x22a6e, hop limit 64, payload length 64
  ICMP echo_request checksum 0x2ab3
01:08:47:949651: ip6-drop
    ICMP6: aa::1 -> cc::1
      tos 0x00, flow label 0x22a6e, hop limit 64, payload length 64
    ICMP echo_request checksum 0x2ab3
01:08:47:949660: error-drop
01:08:47:949676: drop
  ip6-input: valid ip6 packets

DBGvpp# sh classify tables verbose
  TableIdx  Sessions   NextTbl  NextNode
         0         1        -1        -1
  Heap: total: 2.06M, used: 1.70K, free: 2.06M, trimmable: 2.06M
  nbuckets 2, skip 2 match 2 flag 0 offset 0
  mask 000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000
  linear-search buckets 0

[0]: heap offset 1200, elts 2, normal
    0: [1200]: next_index 1 advance 0 opaque -1 action 3 metadata 0
        k: 00000000000000cc000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000
        hits 2, last_heard 4129.09 <412909>

    1 active elements
    1 free lists
    0 linear-search buckets

I have gone through code of *vnet_classify_add_del_session function as
well. There  *I was able to see the implementation for fib table but for SR
policy we just returning the SR policy index rather than any fib entry, If
Sr policy Implementation is there will you please tell how it handle Sr
policy .

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