> On 27 May 2019, at 13:54, Vratko Polak -X (vrpolak - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at
> Cisco) via Lists.Fd.Io <vrpolak=cisco....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
> SemVer says:
> > Patch version Z (x.y.Z | x > 0) MUST be incremented if only backwards
> > compatible bug fixes are introduced.
> > A bug fix is defined as an internal change that fixes incorrect behavior.
> That means API version should be bumped even if the change
> only affects the implementation (and not API definition itself).
> In principle, if there is an internal change
> which has not fixed any incorrect behavior,
> SemVer says you are not required to bump the patch version.
> > multiple version of plugins can provide exact same binary API
> That could happen when the plugin undergoes such an internal change
> that does not affect behavior at all (at least not positively).
> Do you have a realistic example of that?
> All I can think of is renaming a variable, or similar silly examples.
> Either way, I think it is safe to assume that any plugin version bump
> can have at least some behavior consequence visible to user,
> so bumping API at the same time is simpler.
> Alternatively, we can change the plugin versioning scheme
> to acomodate "invisible" bumps.
> X.Y.Z.W (Major.Minor.Patch.Internal).
BTW We have plugins which doesn’t expose any APIs, by design….
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