CSIT-18.10.w46, Weekly Report Update is available here:


Changes from last week .w45 version:

1. Added tests to performance graphs:
   a. dot1q KVM VMs vhost-user VPP tests.

2. Updated performance graphs: added number_of_test_runs metadata per
   test case for following graphs:
   a. Throughput.
   b. Speedup multi-core.
   c. Latency.

3. Added more test runs to performance graphs:
  a. K8s Container Memif.
  b. VPP on 3n-hsw testbed.

4. Report versioning and date format got messed up.
  a. Is: /FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT-18.10.W46/ /Report v1.1 - 2018-11-14T15:28Z/
  b. Should be: /FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT-18.10.w46/ /Test Report 2018-11-14 
15:28 UTC/
  c. Will be corrected in CSIT-18.10.w47, next week.

All per section links listed below stay unchanged.


On 7 Nov 2018, at 17:00, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) 
<mkons...@cisco.com<mailto:mkons...@cisco.com>> wrote:

Hi All,

FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT-18.10.W45 report has been published on 
FD.io<http://FD.io> docs site:

html: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1810/report/
pdf: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1810/report/_static/archive/csit_rls1810.pdf

Many thanks to All in CSIT and FD.io<http://FD.io> community who contributed, 
very hard to make CSIT-18.10 happen!

CSIT-18.10 is not the First release able using latest Intel Xeon Skylake
processors.  But it is the first release to present them in all of their
I/O optimized glory. See point Three below for throughput comparison
between Skylake and Haswell testbeds. This is finally, for the Second
time making VPP code shine in a modern software data world :)

Note that FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT reports are now versioned using a notation 
ordinal weeks of the year specified in ISO 8601 (http://bit.ly/2yZYI0h).
All FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT releases will be suffixed with '.Www', a week 
number in
the format ww prefixed by the letter 'W'.
This takes care even of leap second by accommodating leap week. :)

FD.io<http://FD.io> VPP points of note in the report:

1. VPP release notes
   a. Changes in CSIT-18.10: http://bit.ly/2OxSUA6
   b. Known issues: http://bit.ly/2REvB9D

2. VPP performance graphs
   a. Throughput: http://bit.ly/2OwQPEn
   b. Speedup Multi-Core: http://bit.ly/2zztqgi
   c. Latency: http://bit.ly/2F9j4K6

3. VPP performance comparisons
   a. VPP-18.10 vs. VPP-18.04: http://bit.ly/2RGBvXM
   b. 3-Node Skylake vs. 3-Node Haswell testbeds: http://bit.ly/2DqjrOJ

4. VPP performance test details
   a. Detailed results: http://bit.ly/2yVWMGf
   b. Configuration: http://bit.ly/2qy7w8U
   c. Run-time telemetry: http://bit.ly/2PQlkKw

DPDK Testpmd and L3fwd performance sections follow similar structure.

1. DPDK release notes:
  a. Changes in CSIT-18.10: http://bit.ly/2Oy7E1U
  b. Known issues: http://bit.ly/2RGGE22

2. DPDK performance graphs for Testpmd and L3fwd demonstrator apps
  a. Throughput: http://bit.ly/2PeSlAz
  b. Latency: http://bit.ly/2z5OSdx

Functional tests, including VPP_Device (functional device tests),
VPP_VIRL, HoneyComb, NSH_SFC and DMM are all included in the report.

Welcome all comments, best by email to 

On behalf of FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT Open-Source Benchmarking Project.

P.S. CSIT-18.10 report includes Ever More benchmarking data, more graphs
(744 on the last count) that are now more orderly and more beautifully
presented than Ever. Report HTML and PDF layouts got revamped more than
a bit, striving to improve presentation clarity and browsability. And
equally portability and consumability got improved. We are aiming the
FD.io<http://FD.io> CSIT Open-Source Benchmarking reports to be consumable by
everyone. And by everyone we mean Everyone. Those who code it, those who
test it, those who use it, those who want to use it but are afraid to
touch it. Everyone who likes it.

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