Hi dear Andrew

I once again ran previous scenario and logged previous outputs plus "vppctl 
show acl memory".
I also send you T-rex configs, 60s and 1500s output.

As you can see during this period RSS is increasing and Total-rx is decreasing.
I assume I didn't get my answer. Why does my Total-rx decrease during my test 
and RSS still increases?

From: Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko <ayour...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 10:25 PM
To: Rubina Bianchi
Cc: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP Memory usage

Dear Rubina,

On 8/20/18, Rubina Bianchi <r_bian...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi dear Andrew
> What we were talked before was about "Worker Thread Deadlock".

We had that discussion in march or may. :-)

The one I had in mind was another thread, starting with your mail on
January 30. I forwarded to you unicast :-)

> I tried to test scenario as you explained and started with 1M entry and
> after that I doubled it at each run.
> When I test with 4M entry size, I logged two things:
> 1. ps aux | grep vpp
> 2. First 5 lines of "vppctl show acl-plugin session"
> At first, I've run VPP and configured it with script that I attached to
> previous email.
> After that I run my logger script.
> Finally I run Trex with this command: ./t-rex-64 --cfg cfg/trex_config.yaml
> -f cap2/sfr.yaml -m 50 -c 3 -d 10000 -p
> After tracing VPP logs I found some signs of leakage. I mean in the logs of
> VPP, RSS (6th parameter in ps aux command) is increasing continuously
> (sometimes more and sometimes less) but on the other side, Trex Total-Rx is
> decreasing at the same time.
> After about 3000 seconds, I stopped Trex and wait until session table being
> cleared. But no change in RSS happens.
> Then, I run Trex again without any change and again I saw the increase of
> RSS while the Trex Total-Rx is decreasing.

Based on the counters, in this test we are continuously churning
through the half-open sessions, because we are hitting the maximum
session limit. Session creation is quite expensive (at least at this
point, I did not optimize that code much yet).

> This is my ram status when vpp is stop:
> root@debian-hp:~# free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        129135       3414     125721         12         99        591
> -/+ buffers/cache:       2723     126412
> Swap:         2518          0       2518
> I also attached my logs to this email. This logs are gathered every 20
> seconds.
> In 40M entry size I saw this behavior too, but It happens much faster than
> 4M entry size.

Yes, because you create more sessions and use more buckets, I think
(though this is a speculation at this point, since we dont have the
memory outputs).

What i sthe maximum amount of simultaneous sessions on the T-rex and
what is the connection per second rate ?

> I also have a question about your phrase  of "Using this method you can
> arrive to the number of maximum connections that your memory configuration
> can support".
> Is there any formula to config init.conf in an efficient way? Because VPP
> didn't return any error about misconfiguration.

No, there is no formula, unfortunately - hence I can not print an
error about a misconfiguration.

You can use the "show acl memory" as I described in the other mail, to
see what the memory usage in the session bihash is and what is the
number of active elements - could you have a look at doing that ?


> Thanks,
> Sincerely
> ________________________________
> From: Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko <ayour...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2018 8:28 AM
> To: Rubina Bianchi
> Cc: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP Memory usage
> Dear Rubina,
> The ACL plugin does all the necessary allocations at startup for all data
> structures except the connection bihash.
> You would need to check the current number of the connections as your test
> progresses. I believe we had a communication a while ago regarding the
> gradual growth of background memory usage within the bihash data structure
> as you churn through random addresses. Since then there were some changes
> aimed to address this. Please verify what does the current total session
> count look like in “show acl-plugin sessions” as your test progresses -
> based on what you described I think it continuously increases.
> If the bihash memory requirement for active connections goes above of what
> is available from the OS, then there is no feedback to the user code (acl
> plugin) other than a full crash.
> The  only safeguard I could come up against this situation is the maximum
> connection count, which is checked before attempting to insert an entry into
> the bihash.
> Your current value is 40 million which is quite a lot, while the hash table
> heap size is 17 gigabytes. This might not be enough to hold all the 40
> million entries as the churn progresses and you need to create more
> buckets.
> I suggest you keep all the other parameters as they are and start with the
> value of maximum connections of 1 million and rerun the test, and monitor
> the memory usage within the ACL plugin heap (“show acl-plugin memory”) - it
> should stabilize over time at some value and there should be no crash. The
> exact usage will depend on the distribution of session entries over bucket
> (note that in the worst case you may have one entry per bucket which may
> give a lot of overhead). Note that value.
> If you stop the traffic, as the session count goes down to zero, the memory
> should get released.
> Then double the max conn count and recheck the behavior same as above - the
> usage probably would be about double of the previous one.
> Using this method you can arrive to the number of maximum connections that
> your memory configuration can support, and get a gauge of how much memory
> you would need for the target amount of connections.
> If in the initial iteration test you observe the memory usage never
> stabilizing or if you see that the memory is not being released as the
> connection count goes down to zero, then it would be a bug, which we will
> need to further troubleshoot - though from your description so far it seems
> more a case of tuning the parameters. So please apply the method above and
> let me know how it goes! Thanks!
> --a
> On 19 Aug 2018, at 07:26, Rubina Bianchi
> <r_bian...@outlook.com<mailto:r_bian...@outlook.com>> wrote:
> Hi dear VPP
> I configured vpp stable/1807 and added permit+reflect acl on input and
> output of my network interfaces. I configured vpp with 9 cpu (1 main and 8
> worker cpu). My init.conf is:
> vppctl>
> set acl-plugin session table max-entries 40000000
> set acl-plugin session table hash-table-buckets 1000000
> set acl-plugin session table hash-table-memory 17179869184
> set acl-plugin session timeout udp idle 20
> set acl-plugin session timeout tcp idle 120
> set acl-plugin session timeout tcp transient 30
> vpp_api_test>
> acl_add_replace permit
> acl_add_replace permit+reflect
> acl_interface_add_del TenGigabitEthernet3/0/0 add output acl 1
> acl_interface_add_del TenGigabitEthernet3/0/1 add output acl 1
> acl_interface_add_del TenGigabitEthernet3/0/0 add input acl 1
> acl_interface_add_del TenGigabitEthernet3/0/1 add input acl 1
> exec set interface l2 bridge TenGigabitEthernet3/0/0 1
> exec set interface l2 bridge TenGigabitEthernet3/0/1 1
> exec set int state TenGigabitEthernet3/0/0 up
> exec set int state TenGigabitEthernet3/0/1 up
> My startup.conf is pasted in this link:
> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MhQDyqF6Xd/
> I used Trex as traffic generator as following:
> ./t-rex-64 --cfg cfg/trex_config.yaml  -f cap2/sfr.yaml -m 50 -c 3 -d 3600
> -p
> During execution of my test, Total-rx continuously decreased and after a
> while, it reached to 0. I checked vpp status and it got SIGKILL signal from
> OS.
> I monitored vpp memory and it was increasing until it crashed.
> Does acl_plugin session management have any memory leak problem?
> Regards,
> Rubina
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
root     34416  668  0.1 191107096 195620 ?    RLsl 10:38   1:26 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 0 - del 0 = 0
Sessions active: add 0 - deact 0 = 0
Sessions being purged: deact 0 - del 0 = 0
now: 198877233460957 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 47 objects, 4396k of 4400k used, 288 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 37 attempts (27.03%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 76 attempts, 27 hits (35.53%), 291 considered (per-attempt 3.83)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 43
   allocs: 80 1854.49 clocks/call
   frees: 33 264.85 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  778  0.1 191107096 195852 ?    SLsl 10:38   9:27 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 47 objects, 4396k of 4400k used, 288 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 37 attempts (27.03%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 76 attempts, 27 hits (35.53%), 291 considered (per-attempt 3.83)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 43
   allocs: 80 1854.49 clocks/call
   frees: 33 264.85 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call
Sessions total: add 0 - del 0 = 0
Sessions active: add 0 - deact 0 = 0
Sessions being purged: deact 0 - del 0 = 0
now: 199009129485606 clocks per second: 2200000000

root     34416  788  1.3 191172632 1786036 ?   RLsl 10:38  17:28 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call
Sessions total: add 15144928 - del 11144939 = 3999989
Sessions active: add 15144928 - deact 11144970 = 3999958
Sessions being purged: deact 11144970 - del 11144939 = 31
now: 199141028833614 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  792  1.6 191172632 2217940 ?   RLsl 10:38  25:30 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 32351942 - del 28351951 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 32351942 - deact 28352024 = 3999918
Sessions being purged: deact 28352024 - del 28351951 = 73
now: 199272928038153 clocks per second: 2200000000

root     34416  795  1.9 191172632 2521012 ?   RLsl 10:38  33:31 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 49054482 - del 45054490 = 3999992
Sessions active: add 49054482 - deact 45054553 = 3999929
Sessions being purged: deact 45054553 - del 45054490 = 63
now: 199404819674016 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  796  2.0 191172632 2752540 ?   RLsl 10:38  41:32 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 65519670 - del 61519679 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 65519670 - deact 61519709 = 3999961
Sessions being purged: deact 61519709 - del 61519679 = 30
now: 199536716405815 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  797  2.2 191172632 2927572 ?   SLsl 10:38  49:34 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 81966216 - del 77966226 = 3999990
Sessions active: add 81966216 - deact 77966251 = 3999965
Sessions being purged: deact 77966251 - del 77966226 = 25
now: 199670102477265 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  798  2.3 191172632 3072244 ?   SLsl 10:38  57:35 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 97960013 - del 93960023 = 3999990
Sessions active: add 97960013 - deact 93960063 = 3999950
Sessions being purged: deact 93960063 - del 93960023 = 40
now: 199801958285421 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  798  2.4 191172632 3187612 ?   SLsl 10:38  65:37 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 113775618 - del 109775627 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 113775618 - deact 109775668 = 3999950
Sessions being purged: deact 109775668 - del 109775627 = 41
now: 199933813988308 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  799  2.4 191172632 3283180 ?   SLsl 10:38  73:39 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 129253180 - del 125253190 = 3999990
Sessions active: add 129253180 - deact 125253239 = 3999941
Sessions being purged: deact 125253239 - del 125253190 = 49
now: 200065669506265 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  799  2.5 191172632 3360532 ?   SLsl 10:38  81:40 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 144462527 - del 140462539 = 3999988
Sessions active: add 144462527 - deact 140462575 = 3999952
Sessions being purged: deact 140462575 - del 140462539 = 36
now: 200197525081982 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  799  2.5 191172632 3433132 ?   SLsl 10:38  89:42 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 159291603 - del 155291612 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 159291603 - deact 155291648 = 3999955
Sessions being purged: deact 155291648 - del 155291612 = 36
now: 200329380695866 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  799  2.6 191172632 3500716 ?   SLsl 10:38  97:43 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 173677633 - del 169677643 = 3999990
Sessions active: add 173677633 - deact 169677688 = 3999945
Sessions being purged: deact 169677688 - del 169677643 = 45
now: 200461236073498 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.6 191172632 3565924 ?   SLsl 10:38 105:45 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 188029669 - del 184029683 = 3999986
Sessions active: add 188029669 - deact 184029735 = 3999934
Sessions being purged: deact 184029735 - del 184029683 = 52
now: 200593092014044 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.7 191172632 3627436 ?   SLsl 10:38 113:47 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 202146483 - del 198146502 = 3999981
Sessions active: add 202146483 - deact 198146544 = 3999939
Sessions being purged: deact 198146544 - del 198146502 = 42
now: 200724948111635 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.7 191172632 3687892 ?   SLsl 10:38 121:49 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 215982617 - del 211982626 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 215982617 - deact 211982667 = 3999950
Sessions being purged: deact 211982667 - del 211982626 = 41
now: 200856803547140 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.8 191172632 3742540 ?   SLsl 10:38 129:50 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 229753381 - del 225753400 = 3999981
Sessions active: add 229753381 - deact 225753453 = 3999928
Sessions being purged: deact 225753453 - del 225753400 = 53
now: 200988659717526 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.8 191172632 3793756 ?   SLsl 10:38 137:52 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 243251138 - del 239251147 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 243251138 - deact 239251181 = 3999957
Sessions being purged: deact 239251181 - del 239251147 = 34
now: 201120516107595 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  800  2.9 191172632 3844444 ?   SLsl 10:38 145:54 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 256695529 - del 252695540 = 3999989
Sessions active: add 256695529 - deact 252695590 = 3999939
Sessions being purged: deact 252695590 - del 252695540 = 50
now: 201252372145230 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  2.9 191172632 3893284 ?   SLsl 10:38 153:56 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 269879449 - del 265879469 = 3999980
Sessions active: add 269879449 - deact 265879532 = 3999917
Sessions being purged: deact 265879532 - del 265879469 = 63
now: 201384227763017 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  2.9 191172632 3941068 ?   SLsl 10:38 161:58 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 282909664 - del 278909680 = 3999984
Sessions active: add 282909664 - deact 278909706 = 3999958
Sessions being purged: deact 278909706 - del 278909680 = 26
now: 201516083396371 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.0 191172632 3988852 ?   SLsl 10:38 169:59 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 295786269 - del 291786278 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 295786269 - deact 291786331 = 3999938
Sessions being purged: deact 291786331 - del 291786278 = 53
now: 201647939804709 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.0 191172632 4029772 ?   SLsl 10:38 178:01 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 308467281 - del 304467290 = 3999991
Sessions active: add 308467281 - deact 304467339 = 3999942
Sessions being purged: deact 304467339 - del 304467290 = 49
now: 201779796747352 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.0 191172632 4069900 ?   SLsl 10:38 186:03 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 320964661 - del 316964685 = 3999976
Sessions active: add 320964661 - deact 316964748 = 3999913
Sessions being purged: deact 316964748 - del 316964685 = 63
now: 201911653758603 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.1 191172632 4108444 ?   SLsl 10:38 194:05 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 333168180 - del 329168209 = 3999971
Sessions active: add 333168180 - deact 329168236 = 3999944
Sessions being purged: deact 329168236 - del 329168209 = 27
now: 202043511070592 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.1 191172632 4143820 ?   SLsl 10:38 202:07 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 345261155 - del 341261169 = 3999986
Sessions active: add 345261155 - deact 341261231 = 3999924
Sessions being purged: deact 341261231 - del 341261169 = 62
now: 202175368427529 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.1 191172632 4178140 ?   SLsl 10:38 210:09 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 357183720 - del 353183731 = 3999989
Sessions active: add 357183720 - deact 353183786 = 3999934
Sessions being purged: deact 353183786 - del 353183731 = 55
now: 202307225943511 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.1 191172632 4190812 ?   SLsl 10:38 218:11 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 361314255 - del 361314255 = 0
Sessions active: add 361314255 - deact 361314255 = 0
Sessions being purged: deact 361314255 - del 361314255 = 0
now: 202439079756660 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

root     34416  801  3.1 191172632 4190812 ?   SLsl 10:38 226:13 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Sessions total: add 361314255 - del 361314255 = 0
Sessions active: add 361314255 - deact 361314255 = 0
Sessions being purged: deact 361314255 - del 361314255 = 0
now: 202570932926526 clocks per second: 2200000000

ACL plugin main heap statistics:
 74 objects, 4397k of 4402k used, 828 free, 0 reclaimed, 3k overhead, 1630603k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 10 hits 39 attempts (25.64%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 119 attempts, 27 hits (22.69%), 726 considered (per-attempt 6.10)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 84
   allocs: 121 2057.57 clocks/call
   frees: 47 358.77 clocks/call
ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:
 25 objects, 2k of 4k used, 112 free, 0 reclaimed, 2k overhead, 65532k capacity
   alloc. from small object cache: 3 hits 18 attempts (16.67%) replacements 0
   alloc. from free-list: 26 attempts, 15 hits (57.69%), 39 considered (per-attempt 1.50)
   alloc. from vector-expand: 22
   allocs: 40 404.39 clocks/call
   frees: 15 162.93 clocks/call

Attachment: trex_config
Description: trex_config

Attachment: trex_end
Description: trex_end

Attachment: trex_start
Description: trex_start

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