Neha, I tried this [1] and it works with output like this [2] in the latest VPP branch. You should follow the instructions in for setting up python VPP module and running the script. I will update the wiki with this.
Thanks, Shwetha 1] from vpp_papi import VPP import os import sys import fnmatch import time def papi_event_handler(msgname, result): print(msgname) print(result) vpp_json_dir = os.environ['VPP'] + '/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/share/vpp/api/core' # construct a list of all the json api files jsonfiles = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(vpp_json_dir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.api.json'): jsonfiles.append(os.path.join(vpp_json_dir, filename)) if not jsonfiles: print('Error: no json api files found') exit(-1) # use all those files to create vpp. vpp = VPP(jsonfiles) r = vpp.connect("test_papi") print(r) async=True r=vpp.register_event_callback(papi_event_handler) pid=os.getpid() sw_ifs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] r = vpp.api.want_per_interface_simple_stats(enable_disable=True, sw_ifs=sw_ifs, num=len(sw_ifs), pid=pid) print(r) # Wait for some stats time.sleep(60) r = vpp.api.want_per_interface_simple_stats(enable_disable=False) r = vpp.disconnect() 2] >sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $VPP/virtualenv/bin/python > 0 want_per_interface_simple_stats_reply(_0=818, context=1, retval=0) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=7, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=5, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=6, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=3, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=1, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=4, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158137, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=2, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=7, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=5, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=6, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=3, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=1, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=4, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) vnet_per_interface_simple_counters vnet_per_interface_simple_counters(_0=843, count=1, timestamp=158147, data=[vl_api_vnet_simple_counter_t(sw_if_index=2, drop=0, punt=0, rx_ip4=0, rx_ip6=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_miss=0, rx_error=0, tx_error=0, rx_mpls=0)]) From: <> on behalf of Neha <> Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 9:46 AM To: Shwetha bhandari <>, Ole Troan <> Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP python binding for getting interface stats in VPP 18.07 Hi, I verified that values for ‘show api client’ and ‘os.getpid’ are same. But this issue is seen in all the want_* functions. The example provided in does not work. Also, examples provided in ‘src/vpp-api/python/tests/’ is also failing. There is no such class ‘vpe’ in (result.vl_msg_id == vpp_papi.vpe.VL_API_SW_INTERFACE_SET_FLAGS). Can you please share working example for getting statistics from interface using want_stats functions? Regards, Neha From: Shwetha Bhandari (shwethab) [] Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 2:37 PM To: Vadnere, Neha R <>; Ole Troan <> Cc: Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP python binding for getting interface stats in VPP 18.07 Hi Neha, You should provide the PID of the process that wants to receive the callbacks for the want apis not the PID of the vpp. Look at the API documentation <VPP>/src/vpp /stats/stats.api. Something like pid=os.getpid() instead of the VPP PID in the code snippet below will fix it. Also the callback (papi_event_handler) accepts msgname, result, change it in the below code snippet. On the VPP side you can check “show api client” to check if the python client is connected. Thanks, Shwetha From: <<>> on behalf of Neha <<>> Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 11:46 AM To: Ole Troan <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP python binding for getting interface stats in VPP 18.07 Hi, This is the code snippet: (As explained in from vpp_papi import VPP def papi_event_handler(result): if result.vl_msg_id == vpp_papi.VL_API_VNET_INTERFACE_SIMPLE_COUNTERS: format = '>' + str(int(len( / 8)) + 'Q' counters = struct.unpack(format, print('Counters:', counters) return print('Unknown message id:', result.vl_msg_id) vpp_json_dir = os.environ['VPP'] + '/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/share/vpp/api/core' # construct a list of all the json api files jsonfiles = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(vpp_json_dir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.api.json'): jsonfiles.append(os.path.join(vpp_json_dir, filename)) if not jsonfiles: print('Error: no json api files found') exit(-1) # use all those files to create vpp. # Note that there will be no vpp method available before vpp.connect() vpp = VPP(jsonfiles) r = vpp.connect("test_papi") print(r) async=True r=vpp.register_event_callback(papi_event_handler) enable_disable = True pid=85821 #This is pid of vpp process r = vpp.api.want_stats() r=vpp.register_event_callback(papi_event_handler) sw_ifs=0 num=1 r = vpp.api.want_per_interface_simple_stats() print(r) sw_if_index=1 enable_disable=True r = vpp.api.collect_detailed_interface_stats() print(r) #vpp.api.stats_enable_disable() r=vpp.api.vnet_get_summary_stats() print(r) # # Wait for some stats # time.sleep(60) enale_disable = False pid=85821 r = vpp.api.want_stats() r = vpp.disconnect() Regards, Neha From: Ole Troan [] Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 12:45 PM To: Vadnere, Neha R <<>> Cc:<> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP python binding for getting interface stats in VPP 18.07 Hi Neha, Can you share your code? Alternatively look around in the test/ directory for examples. Cheers Ole On 9 Jul 2018, at 08:37, Neha <<>> wrote: Hi Ole, If that is correct, why I am not able to see the stats? ( I am waiting for 60 sec for getting the stats) Regards, Neha From: Ole Troan [] Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 12:03 PM To: Vadnere, Neha R <<>> Cc:<> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP python binding for getting interface stats in VPP 18.07 Neha, On 9 Jul 2018, at 07:26, Neha <<>> wrote: Hi, I want to get stats from vpp python api. I am following instructions as specified in I am able to get other info as interface details etc. which uses dump and req/rep messages. vpp_papi.register_event_callback(papi_event_handler) does not call the callback function specified, when want_stats is called. In it is mentioned 1.) client -> want_stats -> vpp 2.) vpp -> want_stats_reply -> client (confirms subscription) 3.) vpp -> <various stats messages> -> client (when timer fires) in step 3.), client needs to read the shared memory queue in the vpp->client direction (or use the appropriate XXX_read() function). Note that stats take a few seconds to arrive (the test programs require 10-15 seconds of runtime to get some stats). But not sure where these read_from_shared_mem functions are. I assumed that want_stats will send the stats when enabled. Please guide on this. That’s correct, the Python language binding takes care of reading from shared memory. Sounds like you have done everything right. Cheers Ole Regards, Neha -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#9801): Mute This Topic: Group Owner:<> Unsubscribe: [<>] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. 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