Src address is mandatory parameter


From: Hamid Rasool <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 7:31 AM
To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Is the src <IP address> necessary in the netflow export collector command? I 
have ping connectivity with the collector but still I am unable to get any 
flows are visible.
It is a bit odd because I only want to verify the inside address:inside port 
and outside address:outside port and for that you need an extra setup.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 6:49 PM, Hamid Rasool 
<<>> wrote:
No luck with the tcpdump (it only shows the broadcast routing protocol messages 
from a virtual router interface that it is connected with;my test bed topology 
has multiple hosts) during ipfix flush command either.

Is there any logs for ipfix / NAT translation logs stored on the local machine 
where vpp is running? So far the only way you can obtain the translated ports 
currently is by running tcpdump on the vpp machine outbound interface but they 
are not viable to maintain logging. I have tried running tcpdump on the vpp 
machine on the interface which is used to check ping connectivity with the 
collector machine and have still not observed anything relevant.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:
This should send some IPfix NAT44 session create events. Do you observe any 
traffic in tcpdump at the collector machine when use “ipfix flush”? This 
command should at least send IPfix templates.


<<>> On Behalf Of Hamid via 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 12:17 PM

To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Currently I have just 1 client connected.

vpp# show nat44 sessions
NAT44 sessions:<>: 100 dynamic translations, 0 static translations

Here are all of the VPP commands used (involve a few TAP and bvi interfaces):
Is there a command history option in vpp cli?
loopback create
set int l2 bridge loop0 1 bvi
set int ip address loop0<>
set int state loop0 up

tap connect lstack address<>
set int l2 bridge tapcli-0 1
set int state tapcli-0 up

loopback create
set int l2 bridge loop1 2 bvi
set int ip address loop1<>
set int state loop1 up

tap connect lstack1 address<>
set int l2 bridge tapcli-1 2
set int state tapcli-1 up

nat44 add interface address loop0
set interface nat44 in loop1 out loop0
nat44 add address -

set int l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/3/0 1
set int state GigabitEthernet0/3/0 up

ip route add<> via
ip route add<> via

set ipfix exporter collector port 2055 src
nat ipfix logging

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:
How many NAT session client create? IPfix should send at least templates each 
20 seconds if there is no data. You can manually send cached IPfix data and 
templates by “ipfix flush”. Could you please provide your VPP config (all used 
CLI config commands)? There are couple of NAT IPfix tests and all pass.


From: Hamid Rasool <<>>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 11:09 AM

To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Cc: vpp-dev <<>>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

I have not made any changes to the default startup config, i.e. there is no 
'nat { }' present in the config and the plugins and dpdk sections commented out.

I want these templates for NAT44 Session create and NAT44 Session delete events:














I have also moved to the master since last week (and have noticed some details 
added to show nat44 commands), my version is now:
vpp v18.07-rc0~26-ge150238


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:

What is your NAT plugin config and what NAT IPfix event do you want trigger?


From: Hamid Rasool <<>>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 9:12 AM
To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Cc: vpp-dev <<>>

Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Hi Matus,

I have tried setting up NFSen and NFDump setup on a logically connected VM with 
my VPP instance. I have then used the 2 commands that you added in the Wiki:

vpp# set ipfix exporter collector port 2055(listening port) src interface IP)
vpp# nat ipfix logging

The graphs did not show anything after I passed iperf and ping traffic from the 
CG-NAT host clients, and did not even observe any traffic in tcpdump at the 
collector machine. I have verified ping connectivity from VPP machine to the 
collector machine and conf files + netstat to verify the listening port.

Does VPP maintain any local logs for the ipfix exports?


On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 11:39 AM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:
Only CLI commands, no startup config changes required


From: Hamid Rasool 
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 8:06 AM
To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
<<>>; vpp-dev 

Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Thanks again Matus. Specially for updating the Wiki!

Do I need to change anything in the startup config to enable ipfix in NAT or do 
the CLI commands in the example config work as standard?

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 10:20 AM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:
Supported templates for deterministic NAT
Supported templates for standard NAT
IPFix data and template records are transmitted over UDP 
IPFix example configuration


From: Hamid Rasool 
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 4:23 PM

To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Thanks Matus for the rapid response. The del command did the trick and I will 
try to repeat the setup for 18.04-rc1 build. I also got some more info through 
the command 'show nat44 detail' which did not show up by ? in the CLI by 

About IPFIX logging, can you suggest an example template to perform the logging:
nat {
NAT44 Addresses exhausted
NAT44 Session create
NAT44 Session delete

Also, any pointers to access these IPFIX logs for nat session details without 
using deterministic NAT once the logging has been enable would also be very 


On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:
“show nat44 deterministic mappings” probably doesn’t work because you use older 
version of the VPP (this was changed in 1804)
To delete NAT deterministic mapping use “nat44 deterministic add in 
<addr>/<plen> out <addr>/<plen> del”
Currently you can’t alocate specific number of ports of the external address to 
the internal clients. It is possible to implenet this, patches are welcome.
NAT plugin use IPfix for logging events Deterministic NAT doesn’t log 
session since internall address is statically mapped to set of external ports 
of the address (purpose of deterministic NAT is to reduce logging


From: Hamid Rasool 
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 12:16 PM
To: Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP

Thanks Fabian.

I have configured these steps and it seems to work (although some variations of 
nat deterministic add command caused vpp to crash and reset configurations 
though). However, there is another command in the VPP/NAT wiki: "show nat44 
deterministic mappings" which does not seem to work.
The "show nat44" command only seem to work however:

vpp# nat44 deterministic add in<> out<>
vpp# show nat44
NAT plugin mode: deterministic mapping
udp timeout: 300sec
tcp-established timeout: 7440sec
tcp-transitory timeout: 240sec
icmp timeout: 60sec
1 deterministic mappings

I want to ask how can we delete a pool mapping once we have set it or even 
change it because there seems to be no options to do that. Another query is 
about how can we allocate a specific number of ports of the external address to 
the internal clients. Lets say I want to map 8 internal addresses to 1 external 
for a pool of external addresses, which makes about 8000 ports (out of 65000) 
for each internal address. Is there any way to implement.
Last question for now, where are the session logs stored for NAT for each flow 
of packet. Does VPP provide syslog stats or any flow records for nat sessions?

Thanks again!



On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 5:19 PM, Matus Fabian -X (matfabia - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <<>> wrote:

There is example of CGNAT configuration for currently supported feature set

Basically you need do following 3 steps:
To enable CGNAT mode of NAT plugin add following to startup config: “nat { 
deterministic }”
Set inside and outside interfaces: set interface nat44 in <intfc> out <intfc>
Set pool address range for inside network range: nat44 deterministic add in 
<addr>/<plen> out <addr>/<plen>

That is all you can currently configure.


<<>> On Behalf Of Hamid via 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 1:03 PM
Subject: [vpp-dev] #vpp CGNAT implementation in VPP


I have a Ubuntu server machine having 32 cores and four 1 Gigabit NICs with KVM 
hypervisor. I want to test VPP performance for CGNAT in NAT444 mode while 
supporting routing protocols like BGP and IS-IS on VM topology setup. Kindly 
direct me somewhere to get me started. The usage of CGNAT with a pool of out 
address ranges and allocating port numbers is not directly explained in the NAT 
plugin Wiki page. Any info regarding how to generate packet traffic to check 
performance in terms of number of concurrent sessions handled by CGNAT on my 
hardware will also be appreciated.

I have tried the progressive VPP tutorial but some of the switching related 
exercises are not functioning as expected and there is no similar tutorial or 
guide to apply CG-NAT along with routing as a PoC software router would do. 
Integration with FRR as per FRR wiki was also outdated and could not be 
achieved on my setup.

Waiting for suggestions. Thanks!

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