I have some experience with Maven and Nexus. > <groupId>io.fd.vpp</groupId> > <artifactId>vpp-dpdk-dkms</artifactId> > <version>18.02-vpp1_arm64</version> > <classifier>deb</classifier> > <type>deb</type>
That sets "deb" to be both the classifier and the type. That is correct for the type, as it usually corresponds to the file extension. But we can use classifier to designate architecture. For more information, search for "Classifier:" (without quotes) here [3]. By the way, the incorrect thing we currently do is to overload the version field. Versions are assumed to be ordered linearly, so when comparing 18.02-vpp1_arm64 and 18.02-vpp1_amd64, one has to be newer. Here is my proposed fix: <groupId>io.fd.vpp</groupId> <artifactId>vpp-dpdk-dkms</artifactId> <version>18.02-vpp1</version> <classifier>arm64</classifier> <type>deb</type> Also, the code snippets which currently download the deb file should be updated to include the classifier value in the URL. Vratko. [3] https://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Dependencies From: csit-...@lists.fd.io <csit-...@lists.fd.io> On Behalf Of Marek Gradzki -X (mgradzki - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) Sent: Wednesday, 2018-April-18 16:24 To: Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) <mkons...@cisco.com>; Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <pmi...@cisco.com>; Ed Kern (ejk) <e...@cisco.com>; Vanessa Valderrama <vvalderr...@linuxfoundation.org> Cc: csit-...@lists.fd.io; vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>; hc2...@lists.fd.io; honeycomb-...@lists.fd.io Subject: Re: [csit-dev] [vpp-dev] ARM vpp-dpdk-dkms nexus artifacts - CSIT +hc2vpp list From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> [mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io] On Behalf Of Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) Sent: 18 kwietnia 2018 16:23 To: Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <pmi...@cisco.com<mailto:pmi...@cisco.com>>; Ed Kern (ejk) <e...@cisco.com<mailto:e...@cisco.com>>; Vanessa Valderrama <vvalderr...@linuxfoundation.org<mailto:vvalderr...@linuxfoundation.org>> Cc: csit-...@lists.fd.io<mailto:csit-...@lists.fd.io>; vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] ARM vpp-dpdk-dkms nexus artifacts - CSIT Thanks Peter ! This is affecting all CSIT vpp and honeycomb jobs that rely on Nexus images, including ALL periodic jobs - daily performance trending jobs, and semi-weekly and weekly jobs.. Ed, Vanessa, Could you pls help here? We will open the helpdesk ticket (Peter pls do that). -Maciek goo.gl/pR4k3y<http://goo.gl/pR4k3y> On 18 Apr 2018, at 12:47, Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <pmi...@cisco.com<mailto:pmi...@cisco.com>> wrote: Hello, I’ve recently found that a new package was introduced: 18.02-vpp1_arm64. I guess this is expected as of adding new architecture and onboarding ARM. I also found that currently vpp-dpdk-dkms package points the RELEASE version to arm64 instead of amd64 [1]. <metadata> <groupId>io.fd.vpp</groupId> <artifactId>vpp-dpdk-dkms</artifactId> <versioning> <latest>17.11-vpp1_amd64</latest> <release>18.02-vpp1_arm64</release> <versions> <version>18.02-vpp1_amd64</version> <version>18.02-vpp1_arm64</version> </versions> <lastUpdated>20180417190341</lastUpdated> </versioning> </metadata> This breaks our CSIT trending jobs as we are always pulling latest RELEASE version (once job is fired) and expecting that correct version is downloaded. Our command $ curl https://nexus.fd.io/service/local/artifact/maven/content?r=${REPO}&g=${GROUP}&a=${ART}&p=${PAC}&v=${VER}&c=${CLASS}<https://nexus.fd.io/service/local/artifact/maven/content?r=$%7bREPO%7d&g=$%7bGROUP%7d&a=$%7bART%7d&p=$%7bPAC%7d&v=$%7bVER%7d&c=$%7bCLASS%7d>" -O –J + curl 'https://nexus.fd.io/service/local/artifact/maven/content?r=fd.io.master.ubuntu.xenial.main&g=io.fd.vpp&a=vpp-dpdk-dkms&p=deb.md5&v=RELEASE&c=deb' -O -J As of now, is there any way to get the proper release version from nexus based on ARCH? E.g “PLATFORM” or similar [2]? <groupId>io.fd.vpp</groupId> <artifactId>vpp-dpdk-dkms</artifactId> <version>18.02-vpp1_arm64</version> <classifier>deb</classifier> <type>deb</type> If no, may I suggest to start using a new field in nexus for architecture if they will sit in one repo/dir so it can be easily downloaded for target platform? Thank you. [1] https://nexus.fd.io/service/local/repositories/fd.io.master.ubuntu.xenial.main/content/io/fd/vpp/vpp-dpdk-dkms/maven-metadata.xml [2] https://nexus.fd.io/#view-repositories;fd.io.master.ubuntu.xenial.main~browsestorage Peter Mikus Engineer – Software Cisco Systems Limited <image002.jpg> Think before you print. This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of this message. For corporate legal information go to: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/index.html